King’s Raid is one of the most popular Gacha games on the market, and with good reason. It is a fantastic strategy Role-playing game (RPG) with beautiful art and tantalizing character design. Being a Gacha game, however, means most players are limited with their options.
That’s why we’ve put together this King’s Raid hero ranking for 2022. So that you can ensure you’re taking only the best King’s Raid characters.
King’s Raid Tier List (PvP)
First, we will start with the PvP version of our King’s Raid hero ranking list. We have separated these King’s Raid characters into two lists because the strength of a unit depends heavily upon what they’re used for. Some units are very strong in PvE and useless in PvP and vice versa.
Our King’s Raid hero tier list is quite easy to follow. SS holds the best heroes in King’s Raid, while F tier holds the worst. Keep in mind, King’s Raid rewards team composition more than individual hero strength.
King’s Raid best heroes. OP heroes you can take every time.
- Requina
- Loman
Strong heroes. Just short of OP
- Miruru
- Rephy
- Leo
Heroes that will fit on most teams
- Dimael
- Mirianne
- Fluss
- Ricardo
- Demia
- Chase
- Scarlet
- Nyx
- Pavel
- Ophelia
- Maria
- Cassandra
- Lucias
- Juno
Well-rounded heroes. Easy to build a team around
- Dosarta
- Sonia
- Epis
- Priscilla
- Gau
- Naila
- Kasel
- Viska
- Phillop
- Mediana
- Baudouin
- Esker
- Lilia
- Lakrak
- Kara
- Zafir
- Shamilla
- Arch
- Luna
- Tanya
- Laudia
- Nia
- Erze
- Ezekiel
- Laias
Weak heroes that need a strong team
- Annette
- Selene
- Reina
- Gladi
- Theo
- Neraxis
- Jane
- Aselica
- Aisha
- Artemia
- Chrisha
- Crow
- Rodina
- Oddy
- Kaulah
- Frey
- Shea
- Cleo
- Lorraine
Very weak heroes with few niches
- Lavril
- Lewisia
- Yanne
These heroes will sink your ship
- Roi
- Glenwys
- Morrah
- Clause
King’s Raid Tier List (PvE)
Now that we’ve covered the best King’s Raid Characters for PvP, let’s move on to PvE. There’s so much PvE content that it is a little difficult to make one definitive PvE list but we’ve tried our best. We looked at all King’s Raid Characters and ranked them based on their overall performance in every scenario. Unlike PvP, some lower-tier characters can be used in PvE, so keep that in mind.
Excellent choices for all PvE content
- Neraxis
- Clause
- Cleo
Will fit well on most PvE teams. Never a bad pick
- Zafir
- Glenwys
- Artemia
- Erze
Excel in many scenarios, but will have trouble sometimes
- Jane
- Loman
- Phillop
- Frey
- Nyx
- Maria
- Miruru
- Annette
- Lakrak
- Chrisha
- Luna
- Requina
- Mirianne
- Epis
- Ezekiel
- Theo
- Viska
Great picks in certain scenarios terrible in others
- Aselica
- Sonia
- Priscilla
- Naila
- Esker
- Kara
- Oddy
- Selene
- Arch
- Shamilla
- Dimael
- Gladi
- Reina
- Nia
- Tanya
- Laudia
- Seria
- Gau
- Esker
- Shea
- Lavril
- Lucias
- Kaulah
- Ophelia
- Pavel
- Lilia
- Lorraine
- Aisha
More niche picks, but will not drag the team down too much
- Cassandra
- May
- Veronica
- Rodina
- Roi
- Scarlet
- Kasel
- Ricardo
- Morrah
- Demia
- Dosarta
Will not be useful very often, but occasionally will have their place
- Lewisia
- Baudouin
- Leo
- Mitra
- Yanne
Even more niche than D. Very little use-cases if any
- Crow
- Fluss
- Nicky
How to use King’s Raid Tier List
As we mentioned before, it is rather difficult to curate a definitive tier list. Every time new content is released for King’s Raid, new mechanics are added and the meta shifts drastically.
This means that each hero can be extremely useful or extremely useless, depending on which content you play.
In order to use this King’s Raid Tier list to its full potential, we recommend deciding what you want to progress and then building a team around that.
Once you’ve cleared your first goal, move on to the next and edit your team as necessary.
King’s Raid Aisha Build
Aisha is a favorite of many players because she has a gorgeous design and is very fun to play. She is also extremely versatile and will excel in most PvE situations.
She has great burst damage, which makes her a fantastic choice against almost every boss in the game. She is also very useful in every Raid that doesn’t disable magic or ranged damage.
Aisha is not as useful in PvP but she does have her niche. We recommend experimenting with different team comps and tanks in order to keep her safe while she bursts the enemies.
Option Priority
This Option Priority list works best if you have maxed out all skill books for 25% crit.
- Pen (45%)
- Crit (60%)
- Lifesteal (10%)
Transcend Perks
We recommend taking Blessing of Mana because Aisha does not attack much. She is a caster, so the mana regeneration offers her a great buff. The extra mana regeneration also helps with Aisha’s autoing and ensuring that the AI’s lasers reach their full potential.
- 30% ATK
- Blessing of Mana
Armor Sets
We prefer the Black Dragon set over every other armor set. The extra mana regeneration allows you to add attack runes on her UW. Black Dragon slightly outperforms Hysteria, but either set will work. Red Dragon is also an option but will leave you over-capping on Crit
- Black Dragon set or Hysteria Set
Unique Weapon
The Unique weapon is solely for the three rune slot. Feel free to take a 5-star staff instead, as this part is rather subjective.
- 2 ATK runes
- 1 Pen Rune
King’s Raid Epis Build
Epis is one of the strongest assassins in the game. She deals immense single-target magical damage. Her ability to dive behind enemy lines and burst down priority targets makes her an excellent choice for both PvP and PvE.
Epis’s weak points are in his vulnerability, which is par for the course for assassins. She is quite squishy, mana-hungry, and has no CC to get herself out of tight spots. As far as content goes, she also doesn’t excel in any specific content, but she is still our favorite assassin in the game.
Transcend Perks
We chose these perks to maximize Epis’s burst damage and turn her into a menace for the enemy team. These perks work wonders in PvE but you can take them in PvP as well. If you play PvE, we recommend taking HP Up as well in order to increase Epis’s survivability.
- Target Weakness
- Monster hunting
Armor Sets
Epis is extremely versatile so most armor sets will work on her. You can change up her armor set to suit your gameplay.
We encourage you to experiment and find which one you like the best, as in the end, it will come down to personal preference. With that being said, we highly recommend the following to get started:
- Hero Suppression (PvP only)
- Lava
- Manticore
- Black Dragon
Unique Weapon
The unique weapon has a couple of options, but we wouldn’t deviate too far from the list. No matter what, you will want at least 2 ATK % runes. Your third rune can either be MP or another ATK rune, the choice is yours.
- 2 x ATK % runes
- 1 MP per attack
King’s raid Artemia Build
Artemia is a fantastic character in the right situations. She excels in auto-PvE playthroughs, especially Chapter 9. We wouldn’t recommend her for PvP as there are better options available.
If you are dead set on taking Artemia into PvP we recommend pairing her with Maria as her S1 synergizes extremely well with Artemia.
Transcend Perks
Artemia doesn’t have a lot of burst damage, so it is best to take a well-rounded set of perks. We take HP and ATK. There is not a lot of reason to deviate from these Perks, but experimentation is always fun, right?
- T1 HP
- T1 ATK
- Destruction
Armor Sets
Artemia is best used for Xanadu, and this armor set helps out quite a bit. The penetration is specifically for Xanadu scoring, and everything else is just generally good on Artemia. Again, we wouldn’t deviate too far from this build.
- Manticore
- Crit 50%
- Penetration
King’s Raid Black Dragon(BD) Raid Guide
Black Dragon gear is the best gear in the King’s Raid. While the gear has been toned down recently, it is still the go-to choice for veteran players. Obtaining the gear is the hard part, especially for solo players.
Unlike Lava Gear, however, it is possible for solo players to get full sets of BD gear. We are not going to focus on the solo experience in our guide, instead, we are just going to give King’s Raid BD general tips.
Recommended BD Party
For BD, you will need a Tank, Gau, DPS, and a Healer. Your DPS should aim for 2.5m Damage, your Tank and Gau should have 25,000 DEF along with 2.5 – 3m HP. Your support does not need specific stats, but it needs to be able to survive and heal the party the entire raid.
Recommended Level
We recommend every party member be level 75+. While you can do that raid at level 70, it is better to wait. By being level 75, your party will be able to kill the Dragon more consistently and avoid the debuff for being under-leveled. Your healer can manage at level 72, but the rest of your party needs to be 75.
How to beat BD70+
It’s important to head into BD with a team-oriented mindset. Be prepared to support your team.
A lot of players make the mistake of bringing in over-leveled DPS with a measly level 70 Support. Do not do this. It will tilt the rest of your team, and lose you the Raid. Be kind, and don’t expect anyone to carry you. Make sure you can carry your own weight and you will do fine.
Best BD Tanks
- Jane: If your team relies heavily on Magic damage, then we recommend bringing Jane as your main tank.
- Clause: If your team is heavy on physical damage, or you are heading to a higher level BD, then Clause is the best choice due to his Attack Speed debuff.
- Ricardo: Riccardo is a good edge-case pick. He excels in CC chaining. So if your team has a lot of CC then Ricardo is the best choice for a Tank.
Best BD Frontlines
- Gau: Gau is a must-have hero. Whoever has the highest DPS should take Gau, but if no one else takes him, then you need to.
- Priscilla: We take Priscilla because of her Co-op skill. It increases DPS and makes clearing much faster.
- Luna: DPS is a pretty malleable role. We recommend Luna because she is great at destroying the main dragon and the whelps thanks to her AOE skills.
- Nyx: AOE damage is mostly for the whelps in BD, but Nyx is great because he does piercing damage. This means he can focus the whelps while dealing major damage to the main dragon.
- Dimael: Dimael is another great AOE damage dealer. The reason we like Dimael is that he has quite a bit of CC in his kit, which can be chained with other heroes.
- Lorraine: Lorraine also has decent AOE damage and CC. Think of these units as half utility, and half damage. They create situations for the main DPS to succeed.
Best BD Healers
- Laias: Laias has the best magic defense buffs in the game, so she is necessary on most teams.
- Frey: Frey offers a CC shield that is one of the most useful utilities in the game. We recommend taking Frey if there is a spot open on your team.
- Kaulah: Kaulah offers continuous overheal, which is fantastic for fire breath. She will always be a fantastic pick in the BD Raid.