Fire Emblem (FE) is a seasoned veteran in the Turn-based Tactical RPG genre and is highly regarded as one of the best.
Its strategic elements, diverse cast of characters, weapons, intricate storytelling, unique classes, and overall gameplay are well thought out and have been throughout the series.
The game features a huge roster of characters including fan favorites from past titles such as – Ike, Marth, Robin, Claude, Lucina, Alm, Dimitri, Chrom, Edelgarde, Anna, and much much more.
And since it’s a Gacha game, there’s going to be a tonne of Heroes to collect (764 of them to be exact), so it’s hard to figure out which are the right ones for your team.
That’s why today we’ll be sharing our Fire Emblem Tier List, ranking all Heroes in the game and how they stand in the meta.
FEH Tier List
Here’s how we’re going to be categorizing Heroes in our FEH Tier List. Firstly, we’ve divided the Tier List into 4 sections based on the Weapon Triangle System – Green/Axe, Blue/Spear, Red/Sword, Gray/Colorless.
We’ll then divide Heroes into separate Tiers depending on their overall viability, stats, skills, and performance in all game modes. We’ll rank Heroes according to S to D-Tier, with D-Tier being the least powerful/useful Heroes in the current meta.
Here’s what each Tier means:
- S-Tier – These are currently the most overpowered characters in the game and are the best in class. Many Heroes on this Tier also feature powerful abilities useful in many situations and unique, devastating weapons which further heighten their potential.
If you want to blaze through PvP matches and missions with ease, you can’t go wrong with any of the Heroes on this Tier.
- A-Tier – This Tier’s Heroes are still very powerful and capable in a variety of situations. While they may lack in certain areas (not as powerful stats/weapons/meta-skills), they’re still among the best of the best.
Mixing in some A-Tier Heroes with your main S-Tier Heroes is a good way to bolster any team. Upgrading these Heroes is a solid strategy for long-term investments and has the potential to match up to S-Tier Heroes in the long run.
- B-Tier – B-Tier Heroes on our FEH Tier List excel at situational matchups but manage to stay sort of average. They’re not the best Heroes in the game but are very useful for certain enemies and game modes.
With proper upgrading though, they’ll still be powerful additions to any team. Higher Tiered Heroes will be more powerful overall than B-Tier, but they’re still able to hold their own in a fight.
- C-Tier – Heroes on this Tier are even more situational than B-Tier and will need more support from stronger, higher Tier Heroes. Their skills may not be as powerful, useful, or viable in the current meta but they’ll play their role well.
I can see C-Tier Heroes being very useful against certain enemy matchups when you’re missing out on a role/weapon class, but don’t invest too heavily in their development.
You’ll also need to center your team composition around C-Tier Heroes to fully utilize their potential.
- D-Tier – These are currently the worst Heroes in FEH in the sense they require far more attention/upgrades for not as much return as higher Tiered Heroes.
They can be useful but struggle with easily exploited weaknesses, not as useful skills, or are just not up to par with higher Tiered Heroes.
I’d recommend using D-Tier Heroes when you need to, but focus resources on higher Tiered Heroes if you want better returns. D-Tiers take too much investment to prove useful when A-Tier/S-Tiers have more potential from the get-go.
While FE Heroes Tier Lists are useful to quickly assess a Hero’s overall capability, most Heroes are viable for most content if you know what you’re doing.
What differentiates an S-Tier from an A-Tier isn’t all too much and relates to who’s been buffed/nerfed, which skills/builds are popular in the Meta, and Heroes that excel in PvP content.
For other modes, almost any Hero you have is capable of completing battles. It’s just a matter of training them up, using resources properly, and upgrading wisely.
Keep that in mind in case you’re overwhelmed with the sheer number of Heroes in FEH. You don’t need to be caught up in the Meta chase.
Green/Axe Heroes
- Legendary Byleth (Male)
- Eitri
- Brave Gatekeeper
- Bridal Catria
- Ninja Corrin (F)
- Lewyn
- New Year Peony
- Pent
- Thórr
- Summer Caeda
- Winter Bernadetta
- Young Merric
- Charlotte
- Asbel
- Brave Edelgard
- Adrift Corrin (F)
- Dieck
- Fallen Lyon
- Brave Ike
- Dagr
- Fallen Morgan (F)
- Halloween Rhea
- Brave Ephraim
- Bridal Nailah
- Gunnthrá
- Hilda
- Freyja
- Brave Micaiah
- Sedgar
- Triandra
- Mamori
- Kaden
- Legendary Celica
- Legendary Edelgard
- Jill
- Hector
- Legendary Lyn
- Myrrh
- Jill
- New Year Dagr
- Masquerade Lachesis
- Legendary Hector
- Hector (LA)
- Ninja Laevatein
- Halloween Robin (F)
- Pirate Hinoka
- Nagi
- Scion Larcei
- Rhajat
- Valentine’s Alfonse
- Pirate Veronica
- Rinkah
- Python
- Winter Fae
- Sonya
- Soiree Reinhardt
- Valentine’s Gustav
- Yarne
- Ótr
- Shamir
- Reyson
- Winter Sothis
- Valentine’s Alm
- Winter Artur
- Amelia
- Ced
- Caellach
- Annette
- Echidna
- Dedue
- Astrid
- Deirdre
- Halloween Kagero
- Fallen Robin (M)
- Libra
- Kana (F)
- Ninja Hana
- Helbindi
- Julia
- Linus
- Spring Veronica
- Luthier
- New Year Azura
- Osian
- Surtr
- Winter Jaffar
- Merric
- Lugh
- Nino
- Picnic Felicia
- Libra
- Spring Sharena
- Hel
- Yune
- Summer Ylgr
- Pirate Lifis
- New Year Lethe
- Rennac
- Rath
- Ninja Shamir
- Summer Selena
- Young Minerva
- Nino (SF)
- Sue
- Thrasir
- Walhart
- Spring Fir
- Boey
- Dorcas
- Olwen (WT)
- Summer Caspar
- Performing Azura
- Legion
- Orochi
- Arthur
- Haloween Dorcas
- Basilio
- Fae
- Gerome
- Balthus
- Azura (Young)
- Halloween Henry
- Mustafa
- Gerik
- Bridal Sanaki
- Flame Emperor
- Hawkeye
- Narcian
- New Year Fjorm
- Pirate Darros
- Hoshidan Summer Elincia
- Summer Sylvain
- Groom Hinata
- Sheena
- Ross
- Hostile Springs Hinoka
- Soren
- Summer Elise
- Performing Inigo
- Halloween L’Arachel
- Plegian Tharja
- Valentine’s Greil
- Plegian Kris
- Cherche
- Spring Saleh
- Winter Lissa
- Winter Chrom
- Anna
- Frederick
- Spring Laevatein
- Barst
- Groom Marth
- Haar
- Beruka
- Summer Tiki (Adult)
- Camilla
- Bartre
- Liliana (LA)
- Spring Alfonse
- Michalis
- Groom Zelot
- Minerva
- Spring Chrom
- Ranulf
- Spring Camilla
- Robin (F)
- Valentine’s Mist
- Summer Xander
- Picnic Leo
- Gunter
- New Year Keaton
- Vyland
- Titania
- Summer Innes
Blue/Spear Heroes
- Brave Lucina
- Ishtar
- Legendary Azura
- Brave Eirika
- Ingrid
- Nótt
- Adrift Corrin (M)
- Pirate Surtr
- Peony
- Brave Eliwood
- Halloween Ilyana
- Micaiah
- Benny
- Ophelia
- Nifl
- Brave Hector
- Groom Rafiel
- Legendary Chrom
- New Year Alfonse
- Valentine Rudolf
- Selena (Sacred Stones)
- Legendary Julia
- Brave Dimitri
- Duessel
- Fallen Corrin (M)
- Legendary Lucina
- Riev
- Gartrie
- Brunnya
- Duo Ephraim
- Legendary Ephraim
- Fallen Hardin
- Masquerade Elldigan
- Fallen Dimitri
- Nowi
- Hapi
- Legendary Fae
- Nailah
- Forsyth
- Fjorm
- Halloween Sothis
- Legendary Hector
- Masquerade Quan
- Kris (F)
- Guinivere
- Legendary Dimitri
- Marianne
- New Year Reginn
- Reinhardt
- Legendary Byleth (F)
- JorgeUllr
- Winter Mirabilis
- Halloween Tiki
- Legendary Tiki (Young)
- Nils
- Young Tana
- Young Lyon
- New Year Velouria
- Seiros
- Zeke
- Soiree Berkut
- Ronan
- Winter Felix
- Summer Ashe
- Effie
- Erinys
- Summer Laegjarn
- Valbar
- Mathilda
- Winter Hilda
- Dimitri
- Farina
- Spring Catria
- Perceval
- Linde
- Winter Ephraim
- Petrine
- Lute
- Delthea
- Scion Lewyn
- Lyn (LA)
- Sirius (Unit)
- Seteth
- Shiro
- Colm
- Sonia
- Valter
- Halloween Niles
- Naga (Unit)
- Tatiana
- Gwendolyn
- Bridal Ninian
- Saias
- Kana (M)
- Kliff
- Ephraim
- Ilyana
- Mordecai
- Miriel
- Ylgr
- Winter Nino
- Plegian Katarina
- Tailtiu
- Lilith
- Altena
- Azura
- Olwen
- Sumia
- Ursula
- Ninja Corrin (M)
- Apotheosis Anna
- Summer Robin (F)
- Clair
- Duo Palla
- Ninian
- Summer Norne
- Summer Ogma
- Kjelle
- Finn
- Althena
- Clive
- Cordelia
- Soiree Rinea
- Donnel
- Thea
- L’Arachel
- Morgan (F)
- Spring Est
- Oliver
- Performing Shigure
- Bridal Juno
- Fallen Delthea
- Oboro
- Díthroba
- Camus
- Pirate Geese
- Marcia
- Robin (M)
- Summer Lyn
- Mae
- Selkie
- Panne
- Valentine’s Veronica
- Subaki
- Corrin (F)
- Melady
- Quan
- Spring Minerva
- Eliwood (LA)
- Heath
- Petra
- Hosidan Summer Ryoma
- Spring Narcian
- Galle
- Nephenee
- Ninja Navarre
- Lukas
- Fallen Orson
- Travant
- Tsubasa
- Naesala
- Winter Robin
- Summer Ingrid
- Roshea
- Picnic Lukas
- Summer Cordelia
- Abel
- Jagen
- Peri
- Conrad
- Shanna
- Hinoka
- Roderick
- Sigurn
- Berkut
- Sharena
- Florina
- Sully
- Hostile Springs Ryoma
- Fernand
- Spring Lucina
- Summer Corrin (F)
- Groom Pent
- Bridal Charlotte
- Odin
- Bridal Caeda
- Summer Lute
- Halloween Sophia
- Est
- Cormag
- Spring Marisa
- Death Knight
- Tana
- Silas
- Fiora
- Summer Camilla
- Spring Xander
- Ferdinand
- Cynthia
- Bridal Tanith
- Valentine’s Soren
- Catria
- Fallen Berkut
- New Year Laegjarn
- Oscar
Red/Sword Heroes
- Arden
- Brave Alm
- Múspell
- Spring Idunn
- Legendary Sigurd
- Reginn
- Mirabillis
- Plumeria
- New Year Fáfnir
- Pirate Naesala
- Legendary Lilina
- Valentine’s Henriette
- Masquerade Sigurd
- Plegian Dorothea
- Valentine’s Líf
- Neimi
- Mareeta
- Legendary Ryoma
- Brave Marth
- Legendary Marth
- Ryoma
- Annand
- Ayra
- Eliwood
- Byleth (M/F)
- Brave Roy
- Brave Lysithea
- Halloween Dheginsea
- Idunn
- Julius
- Malice
- Halloween Myrrh
- Lucina
- Kris (M)
- Flora
- Picnic Flora
- Black Knight
- Hoshidan Summer Micaiah
- Young Caeda
- Canas
- Morgan (M)
- Spring Severa
- Summer Tiki (Young)
- Brave Celica
- Corrin (M)
- Masked Marth
- Summer Freyr
- Tibarn
- Constance
- Kempf
- Exalted Chrom
- Flavia
- Legendary Eliwood
- Sigurd
- Volke
- Young Erika
- Eirika (SM)
- Nyx
- Soiree Ishtar
- Fallen Julia
- Summer Byleth (F)
- Shannan
- Larcei
- Winter Tharja
- Halloween Hector
- Fallen Ike
- Karla
- Legendary Erika
- Phina
- Reinhardt (WT)
- Seliph
- Winter Altina
- Yen’fay
- Zelgius
- Laslow
- Laegjarn
- Valentin Palla
- Altina
- Draug
- New Year Eir
- Eldigan
- Ares
- Caeda
- Valentine’s Ike
- Valentian Catria
- Winter Zephiel
- Fallen Celica
- Keaton
- Lethe
- Gray
- Liliana
- Hríd
- Catherine
- Kiria
- New Year Kaden
- Halloween Nowi
- Chrom
- Lif
- Hostile Springs Elise
- Ninja Zihark
- New Year Kyza
- Ike
- Joshua
- Olivia
- Lon’qu
- Summer Lilina
- Navarre
- Laevatein
- Igrene
- Spring Palla
- Midori
- Ninja Shion
- Olivia (YT)
- Priam
- Bridal Shanna
- Lene
- Nah
- Legendary Ike
- Siegbert
- Summer Tana
- Arvis
- Tharja
- Kiria
- Veld
- Fallen Mareeta
- Leif
- Azelle
- Bridal Tharja
- Mia
- Owain
- Ewan
- Lyon
- Sophia
- Nemesis
- Roy
- Silvia
- Erk
- Celica
- Miranda
- Pelleas
- Soleil
- Zephiel
- Winter Manuela
- Marisa
- Alm
- Astram
- Elincia
- Eyvel
- Athena
- Sothis
- Halloween Kurthnaga
- Fir
- Lyn
- Garon
- Tiki (Young)
- Summer Helbindi
- Bridal Oboro
- Eirika
- Fallen Ashnard
- Tiki (Adult)
- Hana
- Say’ri
- Rutger
- Knoll
- Solon
- Iago
- New Year Anna
- Pirate Brigid
- Summer Joshua
- Saber
- Bantu
- Aelfric
- Halloween Ena
- Sanaki
- Karel
- Selena (Fates)
- New Year Hríd
- Hinata
- Aversa
- Hubert
- Katarina
- Summer Lorenz
- Itsuki
- Tobin
- Xander
- Spring Bartre
- Alfonse
- Seth
- Luke
- Gharnef
- Cain
- Lloyd
- Arete
- Bridal Sigurn
- Valentine’s Titania
- Stahl
- Tanith
- Adrift Camilla
- Summer Leo
- Raigh
- Leo
- Scion Julia
- Ogma
- Bertram
- Palla
- Summer Mercedes
- Henry
- Valentine Conrad
- Summer Fiora
- New Year Camilla
- Marth
- New Year Gunnthrá
Gray/Colorless Heroes
- Bridal Fjorm
- Mila
- Loki
- Ash
- Fallen Edelgard
- Valentine Faye
- Ninja Lyn
- Leanne
- Legendary Claude
- Yuri
- Pirate Tibarn
- Velouria
- Legendary Leif
- Young Innes
- Fallen Tiki (Young)
- Flayn
- Scion Leif
- Brave Marianne
- Halloween Robin (M)
- Winter Lysithea
- Brave Camilla
- Elise
- Ascended Laegjarn
- Bernadetta
- Wolf
- Ashera
- Ascended Joshua
- Hinoka (WF)
- Summer Freyja
- Duma
- Eir
- Caineghis
- Winter Ignatz
- Summer Dorothea
- Bramimond
- Leila
- Kronya
- New Year Selkie
- Halloween Jacob
- Legendary Micaiah
- Groom Saul
- Tethys
- Kagero
- Hoshidan Summer Xander
- Winter Cecilia
- Ninja Igrene
- Halloween Rolf
- Plegian Raphael
- Summer Hilda
- Brave Veronica
- Winter Marth
- Legendary Alm
- New Year Plumeria
- Shinon
- Legendary Corrin (F)
- Maribelle
- Bridal Micaiah
- Sara
- Young L’Arachel
- Mist
- Ethlyn
- Clarine
- Halloween Xane
- Forrest
- Soiree Nephenee
- Picnic Genry
- Claude
- Gangrel
- Halloween Dozla
- Faye
- Masquerade Ethlyn
- Performing Olivia
- Brave Lyn
- Valentine Silque
- Priscilla
- Julian
- Summer Ursula
- Kaze
- Legault
- Pirate Vika
- New Year Lyre
- Chad
- Eleonora
- Nina
- Summer Linda
- Sothe
- Larum
- Summer Gunnthrá
- Louise
- Spring Kagero
- Bridal Louise
- Virion
- Fallen Takumi
- Spring Bruno
- Summer Leonie
- Scion Nanna
- Fallen Corrin (F)
- Takumi
- Tanya
- Norne
- Leon
- Gordin
- Legendary Robin (F)
- Nanna
- Halloween Mia
- Hostile Springs Sakura
- Winter Sephiran
- Brady
- Linhardt
- Clarisse
- Mikoto
- Brave Claude
- Jakob
- Matthew
- Bridal Cordelia
- Roy (LA)
- Halloween Sakura
- Hostile Springs Camilla
- Emmeryn
- Klein
- Gaius
- Saizo
- Summer Frederick
- Innes
- Jamke
- Summer Noire
- Summer Takumi
- Eremiya
- Mercedes
- Natasha
- Winter Eirika
- New Year Takumi
- Genny
- Bridal Lyn
- Azama
- Sakura
- Serra
- Lachesis
- Setsuna
- New Year Corrin (M)
- Lena
- Jeorge
- Niles
- Felicia
- Jaffar
- Rebecca
- Maria
- Merlinus
- Spring Loki
- Summer Gaius
- Lissa
- Lucius
- Wrys
- Summer Rhys
Tips for Fire Emblem Heroes
Focus on Team Synergies
Before you get into battle, ensure your team has enough versatility for a variety of situations. You may face ranged units, flying units, tanks, healers, etc., and more often than not a combination of them.
Making a team full of DPS/Tank melee Heroes is a good way to lose out to ranged/mage Heroes attacking from a distance before you can even reach them. Having a proper team built with Tanks, Healers, Ranged, and Melee Heroes will be essential for tougher fights in the end-game.
Playing Often = More Orbs
One of the best things about FEH is how generous they are with Orbs, the currency you need to summon new Heroes. Logging in daily is enough to give you a couple of Orbs, and there are a bunch of missions/maps which reward you Orbs for simple requirements.
Doing this daily/multiple times a day will help you get more Orbs, and roll for better, higher Tiered Heroes more often.
Diversify Your Roster
While it’s recommended to focus on certain Heroes/roles, you should have a capable roster of Heroes instead of focusing on 1 Team composition. Summoning more Heroes and upgrading lower Tiered Heroes to fill in the gaps will be useful in the long run when facing tough battles.
Focusing on one team to tackle every battle may not be efficient when facing tougher matchups.
You’re not limited to making only 1 team so it’s a good idea to spread out resources/investment in several powerful Heroes. Determining which those are will be half the job, but will reap rewards in the long run.
And that concludes our FEH Tier List of all Heroes in the game. It’s been a long one, but using these pieces in your team will help you through tough battles you may be struggling with.
As a last tip, here’s a great resource to check out builds/Heroes in FEH; Gamepress has a variety of tools like Simulators, Tier Lists, IV Calculators, and more. Use these tools and our Tier List to make teams of powerful, competent Heroes for any battle.
While you’re here, feel free to check out more tier lists like Destiny Child Tier List and Dragon Ball Legends Tier List.