Chickens are small and common animals in Minecraft that can be found in most plain biomes. They can produce quite a lot of useful items compared to other passive mobs like feathers, eggs, and chicken.
If you need to lure and raise them, you need to know what chickens eat in Minecraft first!
So let’s dig in to find out!
What Do Chickens Eat in Minecraft?
Chickens in minecraft eat a lot of different types of seeds like wheat seeds, melon seeds, pumpkin seeds, and beetroot seeds.
Compared to other passive mobs, luring and breeding chickens is a lot easier since you just need seeds, not the final crops from the seeds.
From all the chicken food items, getting wheat seeds is easiest since you can just break a random grass on the ground to get a quick wheat seed.
But if you want to breed chicken on the large scale, try building a melon or pumpkin farm can help in the long run. Since melon and pumpkin can yield up to 4x seeds per crop while wheat only yields one.
Also Read: How to Make an Automatic Chicken Farm
However, wheat seeds can be easily found in the world or in the villager farm.
Beetroot seed can only be found on villager farms, and melon or pumpkin can only be found rarely in the world or in chests in the Mineshaft.
When you have the seeds of your choice, just place them in the hot bar and choose that slot, then right-click the Chicken with the seed to feed it. If you feed two or more chickens, they will be in love mode and start breeding with any nearby chicken.
Besides breed purposes, chickens in Minecraft can also be fed with seeds to reduce their growth time.
Each seed will reduce the time by 10%, and the default time a normal chicken required to grow into an adult is 20 minutes.
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