Sheep are the common animal in Minecraft that can eat grass and produce wool as well as mutton.
They have sixteen different colors and can be bred to supply more wool and food for you.
In this article, we will answer the question “what do sheep eat in Minecraft!”
What Do Sheep Eat in Minecraft
Sheep in Minecraft eat Wheat and only Wheat.
That means having a good supply source of Wheat is essential to raising and breeding Sheep. Remember that it has to be wheat, not hay bale like other passive mobs.
How to Get Wheat in Minecraft
To get wheat, you need to find wheat seeds by breaking grass on the ground. Grass does not always drop wheat seeds, they have a medium chance to drop 0-1x wheat seeds.
If you have any Fortune III tools, use them to break the grass to furthermore increase the chance to drop wheat seeds.
You can also look for the Villager’s farm. They contain a large amount of wheat farm so you can just harvest it and gather tons of wheat seeds as well as wheat.
How to Grow Wheat in Minecraft
When you have enough wheat seeds, set up a farm with a water source block and some farmland blocks, then right-click the seeds on the farmland to start planting them.
Then you can wait or use Bone Meal on the crops to make them grow faster.
After some time, when the crops are yellow and ripped, you can break them using the left click to harvest wheat and wheat seeds. You can re-do this part to farm more wheat if you like.
How to Feed and Breed Sheep in Minecraft
Now you have Wheat, let’s put it in the hot bar and choose that slot. Then right-click the wheat on the sheep to feed it.
If you feed more than two sheep, they will start breeding and produce one baby sheep.
Since Sheep are dyeable, the color of the baby sheep will depend on the color of the parent sheep.
For example, if the father sheep has a red color and the mother sheep has a yellow color, the baby sheep will have an orange color.
Besides breeding purposes, you can feed Wheat to baby sheep to accelerate their growth process. Each time it eats wheat will reduce the growth time by 10%.
There you have it! All the information you need on “what do sheep eat in Minecraft”. Goodluck breeding!
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