Pokemon GO has some funny mechanics when it comes to their Eeveelutions. In the original games, players can get any of the first 3 evolutions that they desire simply by finding the correct stone.
These stones aren’t available in GO, leaving players wondering how to get Vaporeon in Pokemon GO. Well, to be quite honest, it takes a lot of luck. But if you haven’t used it yet, there’s also a little Eevee name trick you can use.
How to Evolve Eevee into Vaporeon in Pokemon GO
Every Eevee, except the original three (Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon) has special evolution methods which guarantee their evolution.
Unfortunately, there’s only one guaranteed way to evolve your Eevee into a Vaporeon.
Eevee Name Trick
If you’ve never used the name trick for a Vaporeon before, then you can use the Eevee name trick to guarantee your Eevee evolves into a Vaporeon.
I highly recommend saving this trick for a Shiny Eevee, because you can only use it once.
Many Shiny hunters actually wait to use these name tricks until they have three Shiny Eevees available so that they can have a Shiny version of each Eevee evolution.
With that being said, to perform the Eevee name trick:
- Nickname your Eevee “Rainer”
- Collect 25 Eevee Candies
- Use your 25 Eevee Candies to Evolve your Eevee
- It is guaranteed to evolve into a Vaporeon
Note: This only works once per Eeveelution.
More Eevee Evolution Codes
In case you’re interested in some of the other Eeveelutions, you can use the following nicknames. The steps will be the exact same as above, except you will change “Rainer” to any nickname from this chart.
Once again, this only works once per Eeveelution, so use it at your own discretion and consider saving it for Shinies.
Eeveelution | Nickname |
Vaporeon | Rainer |
Jolteon | Sparky |
Flareon | Pyro |
Umbreon | Tamao |
Espeon | Sakura |
Leafeon | Linnea |
Glaceon | Rea |
Sylveon | Kira |
If you’ve already used the Eevee name trick for a Vaporeon and would like another one, then you’re a little out of luck.
You can Evolve your Eevee with 25 Eevee Candy and it will evolve randomly into Flareon, Jolteon, or Vaporeon. You cannot choose which Eeveelution you get without the name trick. At least not for the first three Eeveelutions.
Catching Eevees
Whether you’re trying to find a Shiny Eevee, or just trying to collect a lot of Candy to prepare for your evolution, you’ll need to find some Eevees.
Luckily, Eevees are quite common in Pokemon GO so you’ll probably run into quite a bit of them just playing the game. If you’re having trouble finding Eevees, you can always use a Lure or an Incense to increase your odds.
There are also plenty of Community Days in Pokemon GO. We’ve already had one Community Day for Eevee, and many players are expecting another to happen around December (2022).
How to get Shiny Vaporeon in Pokemon GO
Shiny odds in Pokemon GO are about 0.2% (1 in 500). Most players still do not find Shiny Eevees very often unless they’re the focus of a Community Day.
With that being said, there are a couple of things you can do to increase your odds of obtaining a Shiny Vaporeon in Pokemon GO.
Patience (Saving the Name Trick)
The first thing you can do is use that little name trick we covered above once you’ve found a Shiny Eevee. Nickname your Shiny Eevee “Rainer”, and evolve it with 25 Candy.
Shiny Eevees were abundant during the Eevee Community Day, so you may even have a friend with some extra Eevees laying around.
Finally, there have been Raids in the past with the Gen 1 Eeveelutions. Some of these Raids also sported Shiny Versions of these Pokemon which could be caught upon defeat.
Currently (July 2022), there are no Eevee Evolutions in the Raid rotation.
However, the Eevee Community Day was so popular with players that many expect Niantic to host another one.
They may also add these evolutions to Raids on a whim, so keep your eyes peeled. Come back here for the latest updates on Eeveelutions and more Pokemon Go stuff.