Little Nightmare 2 follows the story of a boy named Mono, who is trapped in a nightmarish world. He can hear the humming transmission coming from a distant tower. This is where he meets Six, a girl in a yellow raincoat.
She becomes her guide as they unravel the secrets of the Signal Tower and finally save Six. This suspense-adventure game has it all. But is Little Nightmare 2 Multiplayer?
Multiplayer Mode in Little Nightmare 2: Truth or Myth?
It’s not. Even though the game has two protagonists and every gameplay and puzzle-solving hints toward a co-op opportunity, the developers stuck to a single-player experience.
Yes, the game does justice to its title. Solving puzzles in a nightmarish world, with a spooky ambiance, dipped in the dark and ominous aura, the game has it all.
Even though the game has a run time of roughly 5 to 6 hours, believe me, the gameplay is worth the reruns.
If you are looking for scary and heart-thumping jumpscares, you will experience it and then some more. But the only hiccup is, Little Nightmare 2 Multiplayer isn’t available.
The only plausible explanation for the lack of co-op or multiplayer is that a good horror game is supposed to be enjoyed alone, and not with another buddy beside you.
You are supposed to get lost, get super scared, freak out, fall into traps and complete the gameplay on your own, no matter how many times you fail.
If multiplayer was enabled then you and your co-op buddy will be playing as Mono and Six to take on the game. It will be exciting but will rob you of the jump scares and frustrations when you fail at a level.
Rather than letting an actual player play as Six, an AI takes over. You as Mono can signal or direct Six by pressing a button. But that’s about all you can control.
Apart from that Six (played by the AI) will try to help you with your gameplay.
Little Nightmares is available on PS4/ PS5, PC, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One/ X/ S.
But I WANT To Play Little Nightmares 2 With My Friends
You sweet summer child. But you can’t.
No matter which platform they are on, crossplay or co-op modes aren’t supported in Little Nightmares 2.
The least you can do is take turns to complete levels with your friend. But whatever you do my personal suggestion is you turn off or dim the lights while you play it, and make sure you put the game audio on speakers.
That’s how Little Nightmares 2 is meant to be played. I hope you are ready to turn the scare on!