In Far Cry 6, your primary objective is to overthrow the ruthless dictator Antón Castillo who has plagued the island of Yara. Even though the game won’t disappoint, it lacks a multiplayer option.
But is Far Cry 6 crossplay a far-fetched reality? In this post, we will find out whether cross-play is supported in Far Cry’s late installment.
We will also dig into the possibility of Far Cry 6 co-op cross-play, and how to set up the co-op mode for cross-generation gameplay.
Does Far Cry 6 Have Crossplay?
Many staunch supporters of Far Cry were speculating the possibility of Far Cry 6 crossplay. But unfortunately, Far Cry 6 doesn’t support crossplay. That means if you are playing Far Cry 6 on your PC, you can’t play with other console players in multiplayer mode.
That’s a definite lump in the throat because you can’t play with your homies from other platforms. However, Far Cry 6 does support cross-generation play.
This way you can at least play with mates who have a different version of the same console or PC. That means, if you own a PS4, you can play with players who are running Far Cry 6 on PS5 & PS4. Similarly with Xbox and PC.
But why is Far Cry 6 crossplay not supported?
Well, the reason is that console makers like Sony and Microsoft want to keep their user bases intact.
If Ubisoft decides to enable crossplay for any of their titles let alone Far Cry 6, it is speculated that they have to pay a royalty fee to the console companies.
I think that’s enough to keep the Devs at Ubisoft restrained.
Is There Any Far Cry 6 Co-op Crossplay?
Unfortunately, crossplay isn’t available in co-op mode, but cross-generation play, again, is supported. Also, you can’t just jump into Far Cry 6 co-op crossplay mode, you have to work for it.
You can’t opt for co-op mode during the prologue, but once you complete it you can unlock the co-op mode.
When you are in Isla Santuario, you have to complete the “Du or Die” mission. After you successfully complete it, you will receive a notification stating the co-op mode is unlocked.
Co-op mode is all about teaming up with a friend and taking down the bad guys. There are two ways to approach the co-op mode. You can either search for a friend and invite them to join you or accept your friend’s invite and work alongside them.
Playing Co-op With A Friend
If you want to play Far Cry 6 in co-op mode with a friend, first unlock the mode. Then go to the menu and click on the co-op icon at the top right. There you will notice a “Play with a friend” option.
When you click on the option, you will see your list of friends with whom you can crossplay. Send an invite and once they accept it they will automatically pop into your game.
In case you are new to the game and don’t have any friends to play in co-op mode, click on the “Search for a Partner” option. This will allow anyone to join co-op mode to jump in on your game.
Accepting other Co-op requests
The simplest way to help out your mate is by accepting a co-op invite and you will directly jump into their game. However, you still need to unlock co-op mode to accept invites.
The other way is to click on “Be a Partner” and you will be able to take on the role of a co-op player. Make sure your status is set to available, then only you will get notifications when there’s a game ready to join.
However, there’s a catch in terms of game progression and things you can carry with you in co-op mode.
If you are the host and have invited a friend or searched for a partner to join, all your game progression and items will be available to you in the Far Cry 6 co-op crossplay.
So as a host all your progressions from side missions, story mission progress, and other items you had will be available to you in co-op mode.
On the contrary, if you accepted your friend’s co-op invite or selected the Be a Partner option, then a fraction of the items you had with you will carry forward.
But as a co-op partner, you will be able to keep any supplies, items, guerilla experience, Amigo Abilities, and upgrades while you are in the other player’s gameplay.