When Gearbox Software released Borderlands in 2009, everyone thought topping this Shooter/Looter title would prove difficult.
And Gearbox took that personally.
In 2012, Gearbox put out Borderlands 2. And it proved something that only some agree with – new is always better. The fact that a 2012 title is still considered one of the hottest co-op shooter titles speaks volumes about the game.
Gameplay mechanics, futuristic weapons, crazy quests, and the replayability of the Borderlands 2 played a huge part in its success. But the most popular feature is the 4-player co-op that allows players to team up for gun fights, loot, and long quests.
Borderlands 2 didn’t get a wide release. It was only available for Xbox 360, PS3, and Microsoft Windows. But over the decade, the number of supported platforms has increased.
Now, Borderlands 2 supports Xbox One, Xbox Series, PS4, PS5, macOS, Android, Nintendo Switch, and Linux. Even the PlayStation Vita can run it.
But is Borderlands 2 cross-platform on any of these? That’s what you want to know, right?
Is Borderlands 2 Cross Platform?
Through backward compatibility, Borderlands 2 will run on the latest consoles – Xbox Series S/X and PS5. That takes the number of supported platforms to 12. And Borderlands 2 is not cross-platform compatible on any of those.
The only cross-platforming that Borderlands 2 allows is between the Steam and Epic versions of the game on Microsoft Windows.
There have been rumors that Xbox and Microsoft Windows users might get Borderlands 2 crossplay with Xbox Game Pass, but there’s not a single official word on this.
And because PC players and Mobile gamers will have a hefty advantage of speed and accuracy over console players, we don’t see the game getting crossplay anytime soon.
It’s not even cross-generation. Xbox 360 users cannot team up with Xbox One or Series S/X users. Neither can PS3 users play co-op with PS4 or PS5 players.
With Borderlands 3 out and about, don’t expect these big features to come to Borderlands 2. Just enjoy the game in whatever capacity you can.
Is Borderlands 2 Cross Progression?
What would you do if you had to start a game from scratch that you’ve been playing for nearly 10 years?
Well, you better figure out the answer if you’re upgrading your setup because Borderlands 2 does not have cross progression.
Whether you’re upgrading within the same console family (going from PS4 to PS4/ Xbox One to Xbox Series S/X) or jumping platforms (going from PC to PlayStation or Xbox to Nintendo Switch), all of your Borderlands 2 progress is going down the drain.
Not even PC users switching from Epic to Steam get cross-save.
Clearly, it’s more of an issue with the game’s code than the servers. No developer releasing a game in 2012 would’ve considered putting such features in their game.
And the fact that Borderlands 3 is cross platform compatible proves our theory.
So, maybe instead of sticking to Borderlands 2, it’s time to try out Borderlands 3.