If you are not already enthralled by it, Friday Night Funkin is a game of rhythm and reflex. It doesn’t have graphical pomp and show but it has become quite popular in a very short span of time.
Especially because you need not break the bank or go for any exotic hardware upgrade to play FNF. So in this post, we will tell you how you can play Friday Night Funkin on Chromebook.
We will also detail the steps to download Friday Night Funkin on Chromebook and play it offline.
Read on.
Download Friday Night Funkin On Unblocked Chromebook
The easiest way to download Friday night Funkin on Chromebook is to log into your Chromebook and launch the Chrome Play store. Search for Friday Night Funkin or FNF, and you will find all available FNF apps hosted on the Play Store.
However, these apps are unofficial versions of the original Newground FNF.
But if you want to try out different FNF mods on Chromebook, the process is a bit more complex. The following section will guide you through the process.
How To Download Friday Night Funkin On Chromebook
The following steps will show you the exact steps to download and install FNF or any of its mods on your Chromebook.
First, click on Settings in your Chromebook and Turn on the Linux apps. This step will allow you to leverage Linux terminal commands to execute various commands.
Click on Linux (Beta) and then turn it on. If it is already turned on you can skip this step and move on to the following steps.
Enter your username and click on Install to enable Linux on your Chromebook. If Linux is installed, this step can be skipped.
Give it a while till the Linux installation packages are installed on your Chromebook from their website.
Once the installation is complete, the Linux terminal will open up. Close the terminal and search for the FNF package that you want to download.
For this tutorial, we downloaded the FNF Linux package from ninja-muffin. You can choose any other FNF mod or any other website of your choice to download it. Just make sure you download the Linux zip.
Once the download is completed, the FNF Linux installer zip will show up in your File Manager.
Move the file from the downloaded location to the Linux folder so that it can be easily accessed by the Linux box.
Now launch Terminal, and type in the following commands (press Enter after every step)
- sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/oldsources.list
- sudo touch /etc/apt/sources.list
- sudo echo deb https://deb.debian.org/debian bullseye main | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt dist-upgrade
- unzip <name-of-the-file>.zip
- chmod 755 Funkin
- ./Funkin
The only modification that you need to do while installing any other mod is to replace the zip file name with the actual name of the zip that you downloaded. For this tutorial it’s funkin-linux-64bit.zip.
When you execute the above commands in the terminal window one after the other, you will notice various packages being installed in the background.
And then FNF will be launched on your Chromebook. The last step would be to install the menu editor for FNF. Paste the following commands in the terminal to install.
- sudo apt install menulibre
- Menulibre
The last command will launch the menu editor.
Choose the category and click on the Plus sign above to create a launcher.
Specify a name for the launcher.
Now select the command for launching FNF. To do so, click on the folder icon and select the package from your directory.
Finally, save the launcher.
Now Friday Night Funkin is successfully installed in your Chromebook.
From Chromebook’s main menu, click on Linux apps and you will find the Friday Night Funkin package there. Just click on it to launch and play Friday Night Funkin on Chromebook.
More on Friday Night Funkin