Keeping up with the ever-evolving world of online slang and abbreviations can be a challenge, especially when it comes to deciphering the unique lingo of different social media platforms.
If you find yourself puzzled by Snapchat terminology, fear not – we’re here to shed some light on popular slang words and acronyms used on the app.
Unraveling the Meaning of SMO
The acronym SMO can have two different meanings, depending on the context in which it is used. Firstly, SMO stands for “Shout Me Out.”
This term refers to the act of users promoting or recommending another user’s profile by sharing it with their own followers and friends. It serves as a way to increase someone’s publicity and online visibility.
On the other hand, SMO can also stand for “Serious Mode On.” This phrase is used when someone wants to initiate or engage in a serious conversation, indicating their intention to discuss a topic seriously and expecting the other person to do the same.
Understanding ESB and SB
ESB and SB are two similar terms commonly used on Snapchat. ESB stands for “Everyone Snap Back,” while SB stands for “Snap Back.”
Both of these phrases are essentially requests for the recipient of a snap to respond or “snap back” to the sender. These requests are often made within the context of maintaining a Snapstreak with other users.
A Snapstreak occurs when two users send each other a Snapchat every day for consecutive days.
If you notice a fire emoji next to your friends’ names in the Snapchat app, it signifies an ongoing Snapstreak between you and that friend.
The number displayed alongside the flame emoji indicates the length of the Snapstreak in days. To keep the Snapstreak alive, both parties need to exchange snaps within a 24-hour window.
If the fire emoji is replaced by a timer emoji, it indicates that the Snapstreak is about to expire.
To save the Snapstreak, either person can send a snap to the other before the timer runs out, ensuring the streak continues.
It’s important to note that snaps sent using Memories or Spectacles content to other users do not count toward Snapstreaks.
Stay in the Snapchat Loop
As social media platforms continue to shape the way we communicate, understanding the slang and acronyms specific to each platform becomes increasingly important.
By decoding Snapchat’s unique lingo, such as SMO, ESB, and SB, you can stay connected and navigate the world of snaps, streaks, and online conversations with confidence.
So, the next time you come across these terms on Snapchat, you’ll be well-equipped to join the conversation and keep the streaks alive.