Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic is one of the classic role-playing games. First developed by Obsidian Entertainment and eventually published by LucasArts, perhaps the Kotor series is the most known RPG game.
Even though many people say that Kotor 2 is easier than the prequel, some might even find the levels challenging.
That is why there are a lot of Kotor console commands, codes, and tips scattered on the internet for the use of the public. There is no need to worry because we have collected the best Kotor 2 cheats for PC.
How To Enable Cheats in Steam Kotor 2
First, you have to find your Kotor game folder. If you are using the steam version of the game, the folder should be at the Knights of the Old Republic II folder in “C:\[your game directory]\Steam\steamapps\common”
Second, find a .ini file in the folder, then edit it with notepad. Find the [Game Options] area, then add the line “enablecheats=1” under it.
After that, save the file and close the notepad, and you should be able to use the console in the game. In the next section, you will learn how to open the console and use Kotor 2 cheat codes.
Kotor Console Commands: Inputting Kotor 2 Cheats
To input, the star wars Kotor 2 cheats in the game, press the ~ button under the ESC key. Keep in mind that, unlike the prequel, the console in Kotor 2 is hidden.
Just press the Enter key after typing the Kotor 2 cheats that you want to use.
Kotor2 Cheats
- setsecurity ## = set the level of the security skill
- addexp ## = Add experience
- addlightside ## = Adds experience in the Lightside
- invulnerability = Become invulnerable
- setintelligence ## = Sets Intelligence Skill Level
- giverepair = Instantly gain 100 Advance Repair Kits
- givemed = Instantly gain 100 Med Kits
- bright = Increase the brightness
- setcomputeruse ## = Sets Your Character’s Skill Level of Computer Use
- setstealth ## = Sets Your Character’s Skill Level of Stealth
- setwisdom ## = Sets Your Character’s Skill Level of Wisdom
- settreatinjury ## = Sets Your Character’s Skill Level of Treat Injury
- setdexterity ## = Sets Your Character’s Skill Level of Dexterity
- setpersuade ## = Sets Your Character’s Skill Level of Persuade
- givesitharmour = Grants 100 Armor Instantly
- givesecspikes = Grants 100 Section Instantly
- infiniteuses = All the Items With Limited Usage Will Never Expire
- setawareness ## = Sets Your Character’s Skill Level of Awareness
- setcharisma ## = Sets Your Character’s Skill Level of Charisma
- setrepair ## = Sets Your Character’s Skill Level of Repair
- turbo = Run faster
- adddarkside ## = Adds Dark side Experience
- revealmap = Press the M key to reveal the entire map
- heal = heal your character
- setdemolitions ## = Sets Demolitions Skill Level
- setconstitution ## = Sets Construction Skill Level
- givecomspikes = Gives 100 Computer Spikes
- givecredits ## = Gives Money
- setstrength ## = Sets Strength Skill Level
Kotor 2 Enabled Cheats: Codes to give items
To use “give item” cheats, you have to type “give item” before the codes listed below
E.g. “giveitem g1_w_brifle_16” (remove the quotation marks)
Steam Kotor 2 Give Items Cheats PC
- A_medium_06 = Battle Armor Bronzium Light
- U_m_grip_06 = Advanced Agrinium Grip
- U_a_over_18 = Mark III Armorply Plating
- g_w_lghtsbr01 = Lightsaber
- U_r_targ_08 = Crippling Scope Mark II
- G_a_armrdfsuit = Armored Flight Suit
- U_m_edge_04 = Basic Neutronium Edge
- G_i_bithitem003 = Bith Trombone
- A_helmet_02 = Breath Mask
- G_i_bithitem001 = Bith Guitar
- U_r_firi_12 = Amplifying Chamber Mark III
- U_a_over_06 = Ballistic Shielding Mark I
- E_imp3_05 = Strength System Bavakar
- U_a_over_12 = Ablative Plating Mark II
- W_brifle_15 = Bothan Droid Disruptor
- E_imp3_04 = Advanced Combat System
- W_melee_25 = Arg’garok
- U_r_firi_09 = Mark II Beam Splitter
- A_light_06 = Heavy Suit Bonadan Alloy
- U_r_firi_11 = Broadened Chamber Mark III
- W_blaste_10 = Aratech Droid Oxidizer
- U_a_unde_27 = Mark V Armorweave Underlay
- U_m_grip_10 = Advanced Nagai Grip
- U_r_targ_12 = Crippling Scope Mark III
- U_a_over_30 = Bonded Plates Mark IV
- U_r_firi_01 = Mark I Broadening Chamber
- U_r_firi_04 = Beam Splitter Mark I
- G_d_blowtrch01 = Blowtorch
- W_brifle_21 = Ceremonial Bowcaster
- U_m_grip_09 = Hilt Advanced Basket
- A_belt_06 = Aratech SD Belt
- U_a_unde_14 = Mark III Biorestorative Underlay
- W_brifle_01 = Blaster Carbine
- Brokenitem = Broken Item
- E_imp2_03 = Biotech Implant
- W_brifle_12 = Arkanian Blaster Rifle
- G_i_cmbtshot001 = Battle Stimulant
- A_heavy_01 = Battle Armor
- W_blaste_11 = Arkanian Heavy Pistol
- A_helmet_13 = Bothan Sensory Visor
- U_m_edge_03 = Basic Mullinine Edge
- A_belt_25 = Aratech Cardio-Regulator
- U_a_unde_21 = Armorweave Underlay Mark IV
- U_a_unde_02 = Biorestorative Underlay Mark I
- U_r_firi_02 = Mark I Amplifying Chamber
- A_robe_23 = Arca Jeth’s Robe
- W_rocket_03 = Buster Rocket
- U_a_over_10 = Armorply Plating Mark II
- G_i_trapkit003 = Flash Mine Blinding
- U_l_emit_06 = Advanced Disrupting Emitter
- U_a_over_22 = Mark III Ballistic Shielding
- U_m_grip_08 = Advanced Zabrak Grip
- U_a_over_02 = Armorply Plating Mark I
- U_a_over_23 = Bonded Plates Mark III
- A_gloves_21= Automation Gloves
- U_m_grip_01 =Agrinium Grip
- U_r_firi_06 = Broadened Chamber Mark II
- U_a_over_20 = Mark III Ablative Plating
- A_robe_24 = Aleema Keto’s Robe
- U_r_powe_09 = Advanced Rylith Power Cell
- U_a_unde_26 = Biorestorative Underlay Mark V
- U_l_crys_23 = Barab Ore Ingot
- U_r_targ_04 = Mark I Crippling Scope
- G_i_bithitem002 = Bith Clarinet
- E_imp3_01 = Bio-Antidote System
- U_r_firi_07 = Amplifying Chamber Mark II
- A_gloves_16 = Precision Gloves Bothan
- W_brifle_14 = Argazdan Riot Buster
- U_r_targ_02 = Mark I Accuracy Scope
- U_a_over_28 = Ablative Plating Mark IV
- U_m_edge_02 = Basic Ionite Edge
- U_r_firi_14 = Mark III Beam Splitter
- A_light_x02 = Atton’s Ribbed Jacket
- A_helmet_14 = Arkanian Blinders
- U_a_unde_03 = Armorweave Underlay Mark I
- U_a_unde_09 = Mark II Armorweave Underlay
- U_a_unde_20 = Biorestorative Underlay Mark IV
- G_i_upgrade003 = Beam Splitter
- U_r_targ_14 = Accuracy Scope Mark IV
- U_r_powe_03 = Rylith Power Cell Basic
- G_i_drdrepeqp002 = Advanced Repair Kit
- U_a_over_07 = Bonded Plates Mark I
- W_brifle_23 = Charric
- G_i_asthitem001 = Aesthetic Item
- A_belt_18 = Adrenaline Stimulator
- A_shield_03 = Arkanian Energy Shield
- U_m_grip_07 = Advanced Contoured Grip
- A_belt_01 = Adrenaline Amplifier
- W_blaste_01 = Blaster Pistol
- W_blaste_21 = Aratech Ionmaster
- W_brifle_05 = Bowcaster
- W_brifle_04 = Blaster Rifle
- W_blaste_14 = Arkanian Sonic Blaster
- A_helmet_05 = Perception Visor Bothan
- U_a_over_26 = Armorply Plating Mark IV
- A_belt_29 = Aratech Echo Belt
- U_l_crys_05 = Crystal, Dragite
- U_l_lens_04 = Beam Gem Lens
- U_a_unde_15 = Armorweave Underlay Mark III
- A_belt_05 = Advanced Adrenaline Amplifier
- U_r_targ_10 = Mark III Accuracy Scope
- G_i_bithitem004 = Bith Accordian
- A_helmet_26 = Bindo’s Band
- U_r_targ_06 = Mark II Accuracy Scope
- A_gloves_05 = Accuracy Gloves
- U_a_unde_08 = Biorestorative Underlay Mark II
- A_helmet_29 = Absorption Visor
- W_brifle_16 = Combat Enforcer
Interesting: Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Cheats: Cut Down on the Grind
There you have it, all the cheats for The Old Republic II Star Wars game. Keep in mind that everything listed above will only work for the PC/Steam version.
These codes will surely help you if you are having a hard time finding the right items for your character.
And you don’t have to worry if you have multiple saves in the game since these cheats will only affect the character that you are currently playing.
Do cheat engine tables provide more advantages?
• Kotor 2 god mode
• Minimum credits
• Kotor 2 max level
• Minimum upgrades