- Her Basic Attacks
- Manon Slamming Her Opponents
- The Deadly Ballerina Dance Combo
The Ballerina Turned Grappler — Manon
Fans have been fascinated by the new character releases. One of them gets the most attention out of all the newcomers — Street Fighter 6 Manon’s gameplay
Manon is a supermodel and a judoka world champion, which explains her fluid strike motions paired with a graceful but powerful grappling technique. This makes me think she might be an angry ballerina who missed her practice at this point.
Manon’s Gameplay Explained
Her Basic Attacks
The gameplay begins with Manon showing off her two (2) basic double combo features — the first one with a straight hook followed by a kick on her opponent’s legs, and on the other hand, two (2) sucker punches on the crotch.
Slam Your Opponents Down to the Ground
Once you set Manon into consecutively landing normals, she will draw in her opponents by spinning and tossing them high in the air — allowing her to grab hold of her enemies and slam them down to the ground.
Manon’s Deadly Ballerina Dance Combo
Here’s the fun part — we mentioned how Manon is a ballerina because she moves just like one, and now you’re about to be convinced.
She is said to have a medal level similar to G’s presidential level from Street Fighter 5, which increases with each special grab landed and imbues her attacks with special attributes
Once Manon activates her Super Art, she can land a crouching kick, setting up the opponent up in the air and activates her dancing star technique that lands her three consecutive kicks — finished with a flying ballerina kick in a graceful manner.
CAPCOM tweeted a video of a sneak peek into Manon’s fighting style and abilities.
Watch the video below:
Street Fighter VI still has a long way to go, but at least these games won’t keep you waiting.
Know what December game releases are waiting for you!