Shindo Life, formerly known as Shinobi Life 2, is a reinvention of the popular Shinobi Life – a Manga ninja game that allows you to traverse an amazing atmosphere and battle against opponents in the arena utilizing your martial skill and talents.
Better still, you get spins to enjoy freebies for more in-game fun!
We’ll provide you a list of all the latest, active Shinobi Life 2 codes, as well as how to redeem them for spins, down below.
Why You Need Shindo Life Codes
Shindo Life codes are periodical promo codes that grant you freebies, mainly spins. The element & rank of your ninjutsu, as well as your skills, are all determined by spins.
However, each spin substitutes what was previously1 in the selected slot. That means it may take time and a plethora of spins to acquire the build you want.
Several codes for Shindo Life will grant you 2X in-game EXP as well as stat resets. The finest codes, on the other hand, offer you a bevy of spins at a go, eliminating the need to farm or wait for ages to reap your winnings.
How to Redeem Codes for Shindo Life
To redeem Shindo codes, navigate via the in-game menu to the ‘edit’ area. ‘YouTube codes’ may be found in the upper right corner.
To go from “PLAY” to “EDIT” on the main menu, hit the upward pointing arrow. Once there, you can enter codes above the green scroll in the upper right corner.
You will enjoy the relevant prize once you enter the code and click enter.
Redeeming Shindo Life coupons is a simple way to acquire a lot of spins. Rell, the makers of Shindo Life, issues the codes for players to redeem. Redeeming codes nearly always result in a spin.
In our comprehensive Shindo Life Codes list (to follow in the next section), you will discover the most recent and presently active codes to redeem in Shindo Life.
Also Read: Shindo Life Scripts For Roblox [2022] + How To Execute?
Roblox Shindo Life Codes Master List
We intend to keep you posted on new Shindo Life codes as soon they are available.
We also recommend that you use the valid codes for Shinobi Life immediately after you get them before they expire!
On the day of publishing this post (January 2022), we tested each valid code in our list.
PS: If you are an avid ROBLOXian, we cover news, and feature Roblox codes, free Robux codes, and more.
All Working Codes for Shinobi Life 2
- FannyPacked! – 40 Spins (New)
- BIGmonLEEKS! – 200 Spins (New)
- DEEBLEexPE! – x2 Exp (New)
- Cowabunging! – 5000 Rell Coins (New)
- Pray4Update! – 200 Spins (New)
- UpdateIsHERE! – 20k RELL coins (New)
Invalid Shindo Life Codes
We have also addressed the Shinobi Life 2 codes that are no longer valid in December 2021:
- de2001!– 500 Spins.
- de2005!– 74 Spins.
- de2004!– 500 Spins.
- de2003!– 500 Spins
- BelieveOtMon!- 90 Spins.
- de2002!– 500 Spins.
- bigExperienceMon!- 1 Hour Double EXP.
- bossMonRELL!– 90 Spins.
- ToSleepMon! -50 Spins & 5,000 RELLcoins.
- ShindoBlickyHittingMilly!– 150 Spins & 10,000 RELLcoins.
- IeatChiken!- 200 Spins.
- bigjobMON!– 30 Spins.
- BankaiZenDokei!- 500 Spins & 50,000 RELLcoins.
- bigthickcodeMon!- 90 Spins.
- J0eStar!-30 Spins.
- chillenBuildenMon!-30 Spins.
- howToSleepMon! -5,000 RELLCoins + 50 Spins.
- berryCoolMon! -30 Spins.
- bigExperienceMon!- 1 hour double EXP.
- BankaiDokei! -250 Spins & 25,000 RELLcoins.
- RunningfromDeMon!- 200 Spins.
- BigRELLmonCode!- 5,000 RELLcoin & 50 Spins.
- checkmateMon! -30 Spins.
- bigBeardMon!-5,000,000 EXP.
- tingsMonTings! -1 hour double EXP.
- PetdeDogMon! -90 Spins.
- FiredUpMon! -30 Spins.
- 150kayRC! -150,000 RELLCoins.
- NewEFFECTS!-500 spins.
- ShindoGraphics!- 500 spins.
- BETTERgraphics!-250 spins.
- EpicGRAPHICS! -30,000 RELL coins.
- R3LLPATCHY! -5,000 RELL coins, 50 spins.
- BacktoWok! -90 spins.
- ShootingSTarS! -25 spins.
- ShootingSTarS! -25spins.
- chadSanGiGA! -X Minutes of Double EXP.
- DaBoatWEELfloat! -5,000 RELLcoins.
- biggerShOOs! -25 Spins.
- beDaSauceMon! -90 Spins.
- TaiMister! -150 Spins.
- iLLoutWORKanyone! -25 Spins.
- grindOFaGOD! -25 Spins.
- ENERGYofAGOD! -25 Spins.
- GOATofaBOATfloat! -25 Spins.
- GEToutMYwayNOOB! -90 Spins.
- BigShindoGuns!– 90 Spins.
- RELLpieceW! -500 Spins.
- 1YearSL2! -500 Spins.
- 25KR3LLCO1NZZ!-25,000 RELLcoins.
- LoopyGomgom!-90 Spins.
- holdMYSELFtogether! -25 Spins.
- GOTTAkeepPUSHINGon! -25 Spins.
- losingLIFE! -25 spins.
- ShinBenTen! -90 Spins.
- ShinRen! -90 Spins.
- KazeM1na! -90 Spins.
- GOTTAkeepGOING! -25 Spins.
- Minakaze! -111 Spins.
- PROVEemWRONG! -25 spins.
- fightTHEweakness! -25 spins.
- SarachiaAkuma! -100 spins.
- aNewFEELing! -90 spins.
- work2HARD! -90 spins.
- ShindoStorm! -200 spins.
- ItsOurTime! -25 spins.
- AlwaysHungryYe! -25 spins.
- NeedToUPmyself! -25 spins.
- Kamaki! -50 spins.
- AcaiB0wla! -90 spins.
- SL2isBack! -100 spins.
- AlwaysLevelingUp! -15 spins.
- RELLpoo! -90 spins.
- FindDeGrind! -25 spins.
- blick0ff! -100 spins.
- Lickman! -90 spins.
- wakeUpandSmelldeMoney! -25 spins.
- ForgedEvent! -150 spins.
- HAHAHAHAwinBOIwin! -25 spins.
- sleepingOnurSucess! -25 spins.
- niceEXPdood! -2x EXP for 1 hour.
- HotDogBigDog!- 90 spins.
- 200SPEENS! -200 spins.
- chaChingcha! -90 spins.
- itALLaGrind! -25 spins.
- RELLcoin! -500 spins.
- DeRELLCoin! -500 spins.
- EngLishGalFiona! -25 spins.
- ReUSkunkedMate! -90 spins.
- l00kaTM3Foo! -25 spins.
- sockDropItFans! -25 spins.
- SweeOnlyHands! -25 spins.
- SkunkBruv! -90 spins.
- TaknaP1zza! -90 spins.
- TingsYaknow! -25 spins.
- ThickUpz! -25 spins.
- YaKnoDeVibezman! -25 spins.
- DeTingTingsTing! -25 spins.
- shotyofaceFam! -25 spins.
- sickNHealthy! -25 spins.
- BigManBadManTing! -25 spins.
- DeTINGZZZ! -25 spins.
- BigBattyBoi! -90 spins.
- SavingsMad! -90 spins.
- CheckingsMad! -90 spins.
- dexp! -2x EXP for 1 hour.
- bidnessfam! -25 spins.
- movingUpWayUp!-25 spins.
- LeRELLrad! -25 spins.
- CashBad! -25 spins.
- CCsad! -25 spins.
- 2Rad! -25 spins.
- HatersMad! -90 spins.
- notinPersonal! -25 spins.
- PrideUpBruv! -25 spins.
- ChekEt! -25 spins.
- weDemBois! -25 spins.
- iAmLegendary! -45 spins.
- FarmerdeMan! -90 spins.
- GardenFarm! -90 spins.
- PostFarmloan! -90 spins.
- FarmingMeLawn! -90 spins.
- RELLswee200k! -45 spins.
- MentallyFarmers! –90 spins.
- NindoShindo! -45 spins.
- n3vaN33dedhelp! -90 spins.
- Pl4y3rsUp! -45 spins.
- yaDUNkno! -90 spins.
- lostThemWHERE! -2x EXP for 30 minutes.
- dangS0nWearU! -90 spins.
- rellEmberBias! -45 spins.
- playShind0! -45 spins.
- WeRiseB3y0nd!-90 spins.
- ONLYwS! -90 spins.
- Sk1LLGaWP! -45 spins.
- m0n3yUpFunnyUp! -90 spins.
- HOLYMILLofLIKES! -500 spins.
- cryAboutEt! -45 spins.
- Sk1LLWAP! -45 spins.
- AnimeN0Alch3mist! -90 spins.
- inferi0r! -45 spins.
- datF4tt! -45 spins.
- BahtMane! -100 spins.
- isR3v3n3g3! -90 spins.
- M0utH! -2x EXP for 30 minutes.
- LiGhTweighT! -45 spins.
- BiccB0i! -90 spins.
- SHINDO50! -250 spins.
- expGifts! -2x EXP for 30 minutes.
- RabbitNoJutsu! -90 spins.
- Underdog! -45 spins.
- BaconBread! -45 spins.
- Sou1b3ad! -45 spins.
- R341G4M35! -45 spins.
- GlitchesFixes! -90 spins.
- Alchemist! -90 spins.
- EggHaunt! -45 spins.
- AnimeNoAlchemist! -45 spins.
- more3XP!- 2x EXP for 15 minutes.
- RELLSm00th! -45 spins.
- RELL2xExxP! -2x EXP for 2 hours.
- RELLw3Lcomes! -45 spins.
- Shindai2Nice! -45 spins.
- RELLworld! -200 spins.
- EasterIsH3re! -100 spins.
- BigFatBunny! -45 spins.
- LagFix! -80 spins.
- RELLgreatful! -45 spins.
- RELLsh1Nd0! -15 spins.
- RELLbigbrain! -45 spins.
- RELLhOuSe! -45 spins.
- ThanksRELLGames! -100 spins.
- OneMill! -500 spins.
- YeagerMan! -45 spins.
- EmberDub! -45 spins.
- RiserAkuman!- 45 spins.
- m1ndTranzf3r! -15 spins.
- zat5u! -15 spins.
- SixP4thzSpirit! -45 spins.
- VoneFix!-stats reset.
- blockNdoDge!-45 spins.
- NiceEpic!-45 spins.
- SirYesS1r!-45 spins.
- Kenichi!-45 spins.
- BugsCl4n!-45 spins.
- silverfang!-40 spins.
- Mashallah!-100 spins.
- RELLspecsOut!-30 spins.
- st4yw1th3m!-10 spins.
- 5ucc355!-10 spins.
- th3N3w3raBegan!-30 spins.
- g3tG0als!-10 spins.
- fiar3W0rkz!-45 spins.
- gri11Burgars!-30 spins.
- 1ceW0rks!-30 spins.
- 2021N3wY3AR! -50 spins.
- m33ksm3llz!-30 spins.
- r1cecrisp5!-30 spins.
- Okaybreathair! -30 spins.
- d4ndyd4ne!-30 spins.
- fourFOURfour! -30 spins.
- k1llStr3ak! -30 spins.
- 12D4yz0fh0tsauce! -150 spins.
- anc1entp00p! -15 spins.
- g1ftz0hgafts! -15 spins.
- c4ndywh00ps! -15 spins.
- B3LLaReR1ng1ng! -30 spins.
- n0n0noooooo! -Stats reset.
- PtS3! -Stats reset.
- SubToRiserrDawn! -25 spins.
- Sn0wdayz! -15 spins.
- c0ldNc0zy!-15 spins.
- Jin6le3! -30 spins.
- M3rrym3rry!-15 spins.
- 8hunnet!-150 spins.
- MerryGiftmas! -30 spins.
- m3rryH0tch0! -15 spins.
- sl33py4D4yz! -15 spins.
- w1nt3rJ4ck3tz! -15 spins.
- Sub2Alphi! -25 spins.
- Sub2ProbAzim! – 25 spins.
- Sub2GhostInTheCosmos!-50 spins.
- Sub2Sw33P33! -50 spins.
- r3vn3g3! -30 spins.
- 0nW4rdtoW1ns! -15 spins.
- C4ntst0pus! -15 spins.
- bigstr0nkguy! -15 spins.
- wagw4ned! -15 spins.
- RELLsw33! -15 spins.
- Go4ll0ut!-30 spins.
- B3L3veEt! -15 spins.
- Ch4s3Dr3ams! -30 spins.
- K33pTry1ng! -15 spins.
- 600kSubs! -100 spins.
- KeepM0v1ngOnwards!-15 Spins.
- BelieveInSelf! -30 Spins.
- d0ntLoseHope!-30 Spins.
- St4yStr0ng! -15 Spins.
- Y0uG0tTh15! -25 Spins.
- D4tT3b4y0! -15 spins.
- WeDidEtBois!- 50 spins.
- RELLr4ddd! -15 spins.
- M4ss1vewin! -30 spins.
- w3B4ckbaby! -30 spins.
- 0b1toUc1h4! -30 spins.
- On1yWins! -30 spins.
- G00dD4yzAh3d! – 30 spins.
- c0stum3dc10wn! -15 spins.
- Event0n! -30 spins.
- ha11ow3v3s! -15 spins.
- rellsp00ki3! -30 spins.
- fiveguysYummyOng0d!-30 spins.
- t00stronkmate!-30 spins.
- sk3l3t4lman! -30 spins.
- b3l3iev3et! -15 spins.
- bighungrybO1!-30 spins.
- spookyb0i5! -30 spins.
- 700k! -250 spins.
- WeDoneET! -15 spins.
- bigups!-15 spins.
- trick0rtre4t! -30 spins
- t0eS! -15 spins.
- wayman! -10 spins.
- freepointsreset! -Point reset.
- Deid4r4AY! -15 spins.
- milk! -30 spins.
- tryharding! -30 spins.
- nomercy! -30 spins.
- 50kBOYOS! -50 spins.
- 1stchuninexams! -15 spins.
- Greatjuice! -30 spins.
- knowpain! -5 spins.
- worldfeelpain!-5 spins.
- 80kDown! -15 spins.
- AnklesBroke! -15 spins.
- RELLbroken! -12 spins.
- Sensored! -5 spins.
- RELLworldwide! -15 spins.
- BigCodeSorry! -25 spins.
- RELLnumberOne! -10 spins.
- RELLsorry! -5 spins.
- GetNoobed! -15 spins.
- InsertCodeLol!-5 spins.
- BeegeeCl05ked! -5 spins.
- SlideDUpdates!-5 spins.
- SUB2RELLGAIM! -15 spins.
- RELLvex! -5 spins.
- RELLsin! -5 spins.
- L1LB047! -5 spins.
- ReleaseCODE! -10 spins.
Where Can I Find More Shindo Life Codes?
What you actually need from Shindo Life codes are free spins, which you can get from daily missions or just by leveling up in-game.
You may also join the Rell Games Discord to stay on top of new Shindo codes as they’re released, or you can follow the official Twitter and YouTube.
Shindo Life Element Tier List
Elements are one of your character’s qualities in Shindo Life that decide the skills you will utilize.
Every element in the game has a set of jutsu that may be unlocked by spending RYO when you achieve certain element levels and the requisite quantity of CHI points.
In Shindo Life, there are many distinct elements, and the talents you gain from your element might be a deciding factor in how strong you are.
We’ve prepared this tier list rating all factors in the Shindo Life, so you know which ones to roll for:
Talents have a significant impact on how strong your character is in Shindo Life. Elements, granting you a variety of powers, such as massive crowd control abilities and high-damage abilities for training or PvP.
By default, you can only equip two components at a time. However, game passes allow you to access two additional slots.
Elements have different chances of rolling, and the ones with the lowest chance are generally the strongest.
Every element in the tier list has been assigned a rank from S to D, with S being the strongest and D being the lowest. We’ll keep the list up-to-date as new patches are published or the meta evolves, this tier list.
The below tier list rates all components in Shindo Life based on their fighting power:
Prism-Style: rank S probability 0.67% max level ability 440.
Gale: rank S probability 1.11% max level ability 460.
Yang: rank S probability 0.67% max level ability 470.
Yin: rank S probability 0.67% max level ability 470.
Acid: rank A probability 1.25% max level ability 465.
Cement: rank A probability 1.25% max level ability 460.
Chaos: rank A probability 1% max level ability 470.
Order: rank A probability 1% max level ability 470.
Combustion: rank A probability 1.11% max level ability 470.
Shiver: rank A probability 1.11% max level ability440.
Air: rank B probability 20.00% max level ability 460.
Liquid: rank B probability 20.00% max level ability 465.
Shock: rank C probability 20.00% max level ability 440.
Stone: rank C probability 20.00% max level ability 460.
Flame: rank D probability 20.00% max level ability 470.
How to Get Spins in Roblox Shindo Life?
Spins are opportunities for your character to roll for Bloodlines. Bloodlines are abilities that you can equip to gain new skills and benefits.
The only method to gain Bloodlines is to utilize Spins. Spins are also necessary in order to get Elements, Tailed Spirit customization options, and specific Samurai Spirit.
There are several methods for obtaining spins, including utilizing codes, completing daily tasks, ranking up, engaging in certain events, and paying using Robux.
Please keep in mind that without the Spin Storage Gamepass, the maximum number of spins a player may lawfully have is 500.
Gamepass grants you a max of 1000 spins as well as the ability to skip animation spins. Robux.png 500 is the cost of the Spin Storage Gamepass.
It raises the maximum number of spins a player may have to 1,000 (500 without this game pass), doubles their prizes in My Home, and allows them to auto-skip the spin animation.
Obtaining Spins is critical, and if you’re unsure how to do so, you’ve come to the proper spot. We’ll lay out the steps for you to follow.
We’ll also address some pressing issues.
How do you get lucky in Shindo life?
You will get lucky playing Shinobi Life 2 if you manage to get the 666 Spin codes.
Where to Spend Rell coins?
RELL coins may be used to purchase characters for Shindo Life’s Shindo Storm mode, an arena format in which players compete in teams or alone.
They may also be used to purchase Spins, which can be used for in-game purchases. The quickest ways to obtain RELL coins in Shindo Life are via Shindo-Storm, Conquest, Dungeon, Arena X, and Arena X Competitor Game Modes.
The quantity of paid RELL Coins is proportional to the amount of damage the player delivers.
How Do I obtain a Bloodline in Shindo Life 2?
Bloodlines refer to abilities in Shindo Life-they grant access to various Naruto-inspired skills. Bloodlines are classified into three types: Clan Bloodlines, Eye Bloodlines, and Elemental Bloodlines.
To get a Bloodline, go to the main menu > edit > Bloodlines. Once you enter the Bloodline menu, they will notice two slots with the words “click to spin.”
By purchasing “Bloodline Slot 3” & “Bloodline Slot 4”, you can unlock two extra Bloodline spaces.
As a new player, you will start the game with 15 spins. Below is more you need to know about Bloodlines as you progress into the gameplay:
Rare Bloodlines
There are several Bloodlines that may be earned; the major consideration in rolling Bloodline is the possibility of acquiring a rare or common one.
Rare Bloodlines are those with a spin chance of less than 1/6.
All Bloodlines have a possibility of being rolled, and their rarities may be discovered in the Ability Bag section.
The spin possibilities are expressed as fractions, such as 1/80 for receiving the “Jokei” Bloodline.
This characteristic of a rarity in certain Bloodlines keeps players spinning until they run out of spins.
However, after 80 spins, the player will receive a ‘Full Rarity’ spin, which will provide them a Bloodline from the rare category; however, this does not guarantee a very rare one.
Jutsu/Modes of the Bloodline
Each Bloodline has its unique set of perks and methods that must be unlocked before they can be used.
The powers of the Bloodline may be found by entering in-game > Menu (press M) > Bloodline. There, you may see their Bloodline’s level and experience.
You can get experience by participating in any activity that provides conventional EXP, such as missions, war, training logs, and so on.
Once you have accumulated enough experience, you can unlock their first ability, which has a stat requirement and costs Ryo to unlock. Each requirement/price is determined by the Bloodline held.
Some Bloodlines have a mode that may be activated after the player reaches the Bloodline’s requisite level. After attaining the requisite level, they can equip it by hitting the “equip” button.
Modes increase your stats, and various modes have distinct levels. They can be a mode assigned to the “Z” key or a mode attached to the “C” button.
Certain Bloodlines, such as Apollo-Sand or Lava, are recognized for fulfilling missions, whilst others, such as Rengoku, Tengoku, and so on, are known for PVP.
Bloodline Leveling Tips
Tips for leveling up Bloodlines include:
- Playing War (preferably with friends or in a Youtube stream).
- AFK at a Training Log with an auto clicker (or Tiny Task if leveling Spirits).
- Complete the Green and Orange Scroll missions.
- Using Eagle Companion on three logs at the same time.
Things to avoid doing when leveling include:
- PVP fights.
- Killing individuals at random.
A Bloodline’s mode (if any), is most certainly useful for leveling and should be used whenever feasible. Every second when the player’s mode is active, they get 100 exp.
How do you spin Shindo?
The rare 8830 spin offers you a guaranteed rare spin. So, make sure you have at least 80. I generally save around $300. It has to be more than 300. So I have about 480 30 spins.
You may also earn spins simply by signing in once a week. So, the number of spins increases with each day that you check-in, and once you reach day seven, it will literally reset.
There is a Roblox game for everyone, but one game, in particular, has suddenly grown to tremendous popular appeal: Shindo Life. Completing ninja duties, leveling up, and spending points to improve your fighting abilities are all important aspects of the Roblox Shindo Life experience.
You may earn free additional spins on a regular basis by using our Roblox Shinobi Life 2 codes. Always redeem the most recent codes, so you can construct your ninja around the latest meta. With our codes for Shinobi Life, you will be spinning like a shuriken in no time!