Always did find it funny how all Roblox avatars almost looked alike. Chances of using a unique avatar face are slim but at least you can pick and choose.
If you’re not into dev, you can’t create your own Roblox avatar (or a new face along with a Roblox face ID) from scratch, although it’s not that difficult.
Well, I’ve curated a good long list of Roblox face codes to try out.
Roblox Face ID Codes 2024
Face Desc. | Roblox Face ID Codes |
EvilSkepticFace | 110288865 |
OgreFace | 391495894 |
Skeletar | 10770395 |
Tattletale | 26343188 |
SapphireArchfeyVisage | 2830502330 |
Awkward | 23932048 |
SilverPunkFace | 387256603 |
ZombieFace | 133360789 |
GoodIntentioned | 7317793 |
Surprise | 23261769 |
PoorMan | 7699183 |
SophisticatedSpectacles | 25930613 |
TooMuchCandy | 295763789 |
SoFunny | 32058239 |
VisualStudioSeizedUpForSecondsAgain | 4514083380 |
Butterfly | 24727929 |
EyesofEverfrost | 22972723 |
Crybaby | 2620506513 |
Slickfang | 7317765 |
DesertCommando | 323191683 |
Bling | 25975243 |
BeamingwithPride | 3267567501 |
Stitchface | 8329679 |
EyesofEmeraldwrath | 209994352 |
PurpleButterflySmile | 238983270 |
RedRockStarSmile | 376809691 |
BigSadEyes | 391496223 |
Emperor | 25267538 |
DisapprovingUnibrow | 66330360 |
TiredFace | 141728790 |
ToothyGrin | 7075434 |
Whistle | 22877700 |
ZipIt | 24126147 |
IAmNotAmused | 7131886 |
AlienAmbassador | 11913700 |
SadClown | 250654457 |
Woebegone | 21755022 |
JungleCommando | 16678138 |
Trance | 29109681 |
Winter | 22587828 |
SeeingStars | 27599954 |
Chill | 7074764 |
RedSeriousScarFace | 406000421 |
SapphireDrool | 16723481 |
Wherearetheeggs | 24975496 |
FawkesFace | 134522901 |
GrandmasLipstick | 51241480 |
Freckles | 12145366 |
BlueTrance | 244160970 |
SapphireEvilEye | 1016184964 |
JustTrouble | 244160766 |
Itssobeautiful | 26674400 |
SunnyFun | 51241171 |
INewSiteTheme | 332723404 |
ClownSchoolDropout | 21392863 |
OldTimer | 27003636 |
NetHackAddict | 16357383 |
BlueEyeroll | 323191979 |
OverjoyedSmile | 1428416217 |
Embarrassed | 21272995 |
JackFrostFace | 19396123 |
RAWRBear | 10678427 |
Sad | 7699177 |
ROBLOXMadnessFace | 130213380 |
Youatedmycaik | 21635583 |
SlyGuyFace | 238983378 |
Alright | 7131541 |
TheBigDog | 10860384 |
BlueUltimateDragonFace | 1772529256 |
CatchingSnowflakes | 1213472762 |
LookAtMyNose | 23311761 |
ROAR | 406001167 |
Glee | 7074729 |
CuteKitty | 11389441 |
CountryMorning | 51241522 |
ZOMG | 8329682 |
Blinky | 7506135 |
Fang | 7075142 |
GreenStarface | 119812738 |
CheerfulHello | 362051644 |
DementedMouse | 12188176 |
EvilSkeptic | 110336757 |
TheFriendlyEviscerator | 22500129 |
BubbleTrouble | 19264845 |
PiefaceJellyfreckles | 19381787 |
AwkwardGrin | 150182501 |
BlueRockStarSmile | 1428409936 |
FrighteningUnibrow | 8560985 |
IDidntEatThatCookie | 116042990 |
PaintballEnthusiast | 23310997 |
BlueStarrySight | 2222775067 |
PurpleWistfulWink | 583722710 |
GreenTrance | 260303894 |
ClassicAlienFace | 159199178 |
ManFaceRobloxID | 86487700 |
Winky | 7074864 |
FriendlyPuppy | 27725434 |
WomanFace | 86487766 |
SuperCrazyFace | 391496123 |
GreenGoof | 1191162539 |
Daring | 8329690 |
GoldenBlingBraces | 1191136166 |
Mysterious | 7132035 |
ItsGoTime | 7506141 |
OhDeer | 12145328 |
zOMGHatSelling | 16413496 |
Mischievous | 9250654 |
Crazybot | 10000554650579 |
RadioactiveBeastMode | 2225761296 |
YAAAWWN | 162068415 |
WinkBlink | 22828351 |
BaconFace | 399021751 |
Concerned | 9250660 |
BadDog | 10678423 |
OrangeTrance | 260303960 |
LadyLashes | 29348122 |
RoseAmazeface | 835095880 |
AwesomeFace | 30394850 |
RedRAWR | 66330295 |
SlitheringSmile | 2830646491 |
SneakyGreenEyedSnake | 334656353 |
Andthenwelltakeovertheworld | 12732366 |
D : | 14812981 |
HoldItIn | 2222771916 |
SharpninesFaceofDisappointment | 209994270 |
YellowStarface | 162200696 |
GloryontheGridiron | 21802396 |
GreenWistfulWink | 583722932 |
DaringBeard | 110288809 |
TimmyMcPwnage | 22023062 |
WinningSmile | 616380929 |
DroolingNoob | 24067718 |
LazyEye | 7075502 |
ILackPersonalConfidence | 7506144 |
TorquetheRedOrc | 2830493868 |
LavenderAmazeface | 835095306 |
EyesofCrimsonwrath | 49493376 |
MickMcCann | 23264604 |
MonarchButterflySmile | 383607653 |
GreenAmazeface | 835094544 |
RedTango | 16652251 |
Stare | 8560971 |
MildlyIrritatedFace | 280988393 |
PlayfulVampire | 2409285794 |
SuperSuperHappyFace | 494291269 |
MagicalDragon | 34871168 |
Chubs | 7076110 |
BlizzardBeastMode | 209995252 |
PurpleBubbleTrouble | 362051999 |
Imagine | 30394316 |
XD | 20406001052 |
RaigFace | 209994783 |
RAWR | 7076224 |
TigerChaseFearFace | 258198928 |
ExistentialAngst | 7074814 |
Suspicious | 209994929 |
Disbelief | 20337343 |
CheckIt | 7074786 |
EmeraldArchfeyVisage | 2830499980 |
MonsterSmile | 398675917 |
RedGoof | 1191125008 |
EmeraldAmbassador | 66330060 |
Madbot | 10000554658475 |
Starface | 32873408 |
Hypnoface | 10770436 |
AdorablePuppy | 11389372 |
SickDay | 26619096 |
Rudolph | 19397594 |
Toothless | 19399752 |
Unbelievable | 419752096 |
SeriousScarFace | 255827175 |
Sinister | 8329686 |
Blerg | 12777646 |
FriendlyTrustingSmile | 402304145 |
HutHutHike | 15470849 |
Sadfaic | 117522793 |
GrumpyBlox | 173789498 |
Smile | 144075659 |
VioletStarrySight | 2222775930 |
Scarecrow | 14721869 |
PinkGalaxyGaze | 440738448 |
Lion | 11956548 |
Pwnda | 28281786 |
SillyFun | 7699174 |
Facepalm | 30394594 |
GoldenLightningSpeaker | 66330231 |
IHateNoobs | 14030577 |
FreckledCheeks | 25556219 |
UpToSomething | 1016186364 |
FastCar | 22587894 |
SquareEyes | 22119034 |
Commando | 10527010 |
AngryZombie | 173789114 |
BeastMode | 128992838 |
Heeeeeey | 21635565 |
Adoration | 28878297 |
ClassicMaleFace | 4018617474 |
CrazyHappy | 45515121 |
Iwuvu | 10907545 |
RedWhiteandStarface | 445117183 |
Goofball | 27134344 |
FriendlyPirate | 19366445 |
KnightsofRedcliffPaladinFace | 2493587489 |
GreenStarrySight | 2222774106 |
EggonyourFace | 110207471 |
GoldenEvilEye | 1016185809 |
Cuckookrazybot | 10000554663025 |
Cutiemouse | 15885121 |
Gigglypuff | 35397243 |
PinkMermaidPrincess | 1428418448 |
SneakySteve | 823012694 |
FriendlyCyclops | 30394438 |
FuriousGeorge | 277950647 |
SnowQueenSmile | 2569005011 |
Thinking | 29716262 |
VioletFang | 362051899 |
GreenBubbleTrouble | 380754227 |
GoldenShinyTeeth | 66319941 |
GreenGlowingEyes | 398676450 |
RobotSmile | 30265169 |
GreenWhatchooTalkinBout | 323191787 |
Oo | 66330265 |
EggCrazed | 233616117 |
BlueGoof | 1191162013 |
WalkthePlankYouScurvyDogs | 13478124 |
GrittyBombo | 406000562 |
Sigmund | 21311601 |
Raccoon | 27052537 |
EmotionallyDistressedZombie | 7506136 |
Singing | 66330310 |
Meow | 10907529 |
Frightful | 7699193 |
GreenSuperHappyJoy | 323191596 |
SadZombie | 7131361 |
SoSuperExcitedPurple | 2568804274 |
RoseySmile | 116043052 |
TheDogWhisperer | 34764447 |
Snowman | 19396550 |
CrimsonLaserVision | 45514606 |
TorquetheGreenOrc | 2830497827 |
ShinyTeeth | 20722130 |
NouveauGeorge | 398675764 |
Yum | 26019070 |
DaringBlondeBeardFace | 323191430 |
Notsureif | 173789324 |
PridefulSmile | 3267564334 |
Aghast | 9250633 |
HockeyFace | 142464206 |
Alien | 31317701 |
PurpleGalaxyGaze | 440739240 |
Bandage | 20418682 |
Angelic | 45084008 |
OrangeStarface | 162200666 |
RetroSmiley | 10770432 |
D | 17138027 |
PumpkinFace | 313549781 |
TealMermaidQueen | 1428417334 |
BlueStarface | 119812715 |
NotAgain | 28119051 |
ChillMcCool | 376813144 |
TheFirstTimeIEverPlayedROBLOX | 22070623 |
PurpleMermaidPrincess | 1428424821 |
RubyArchfeyVisage | 2830505884 |
Toughguy | 21439665 |
OchreOgre | 16723499 |
DontWakeMeUp | 343619993 |
SemiColonOpenParen | 16179646 |
Huh | 150182466 |
Braces | 30394484 |
Sniffles | 14516578 |
MonsterFace | 49045351 |
ReallyEmbarrassed | 376812736 |
ChippyMcTooth | 7317769 |
SparkleTimeSparkleEyes | 2620507161 |
RedGlowingEyes | 180660043 |
CrimsonStarface | 162200633 |
eXtreme | 10831454 |
AwkwardEyeroll | 150182378 |
EyesofAzurewrath | 17999992 |
Dizzy | 10907551 |
PurpleTrance | 260304187 |
PunkFace | 119812659 |
Fearless | 7074991 |
Meanie | 9250643 |
Scarecrow | 26260927 |
FriendlyGrin | 25321961 |
PonyFace | 13656095 |
SirRichMcMoneystonIII | 10831390 |
Bored | 66330106 |
XtremeHappy | 20644021 |
SecretService | 20612949 |
FriendlySmile | 616381207 |
CheerfulGrin | 33321848 |
MrChuckles | 10907541 |
LaughingFun | 226217449 |
NOWAI | 51241862 |
PurpleSuperHappyJoy | 376812961 |
Troublemaker | 22920501 |
Grr | 19398554 |
SoSuperExcitedBlue | 2569001052 |
Puck | 20298988 |
ClassicVampire | 7074836 |
Bluffing | 147144673 |
ClassicFemaleFace | 4018627046 |
SeriousRedEyeScar | 494299198 |
GreenUltimateDragonFace | 1772531407 |
BlueBubbleTrouble | 330296924 |
Optimist | 21024661 |
Prankster | 20052135 |
EyesofEverflame | 362051773 |
Whuut | 274338458 |
FinnMcCool | 10907549 |
PurpleAlien | 323192193 |
SapphireLaserVision | 209994074 |
AbsolutelyShocked | 2620506085 |
MrBubbles | 31616411 |
GreenGalaxyGaze | 440739783 |
AnimeSurprise | 416846300 |
SoSuperExcitedPink | 2568801198 |
Skeptic | 31117267 |
Happy | 406000730 |
Nervous | 23219981 |
Tango | 16101765 |
StinkEye | 416846143 |
Vampire | 29532363 |
CrimsonEvilEye | 1016184756 |
EmeraldLaserVision | 66330165 |
Daydreaming | 29296146 |
JoyfulSmile | 209995366 |
RedFang | 16722419 |
ToothyDrool | 8560980 |
TealRockStarSmile | 334656546 |
YellowGlowingEyes | 416846000 |
Hmmm | 7076076 |
SquiggleMouth | 25166274 |
Drool | 7074893 |
Camoface | 24441888 |
SmilingGirl | 209994875 |
Love | 11611321 |
Ghostface | 12467159 |
RedUltimateDragonFace | 1772530315 |
EmeraldEvilEye | 1016185535 |
WHAAAaaa | 14127194 |
DerpFace | 66330120 |
BadNewsFace | 268603331 |
GreenDroolAngryZombie | 406001532 |
UhOh | 7074944 |
TrueLoveSmile | 362051405 |
BlueGalaxyGaze | 440739518 |
SharpninesFaceofJoy | 406002032 |
OldManJenkins | 13335647 |
MissScarlet | 334656210 |
ClownFace | 23644960 |
TorquetheBlueOrc | 2830496106 |
GreeneyedAwesomeFace | 66330144 |
Shocked | 147144644 |
Anguished | 8560975 |
Manicbot | 10000554663566 |
SpringBunny | 110207437 |
BlueWistfulWink | 583721561 |
BlueAmazeface | 835095003 |
SmithMcCool | 27412825 |
PinkShadesMcCool | 323192138 |
ObviousWink | 51241537 |
SweatItOut | 20909103 |
LightningSpeaker | 22588801 |
DrillSergeant | 141728899 |
KnowItAllGrin | 26424808 |
Yawn | 20010377 |
ClassicGoof | 7074661 |
Smug | 406001308 |
ExclamationFace | 35168581 |
Err | 20418658 |
Silence | 10860397 |
Hilarious | 27861352 |
Downcast | 21352013 |
PurpleStarface | 119812765 |
SuperHappyJoy | 280988698 |
JoyousSurprise | 28999228 |
DistaughtAlienInvader | 11913668 |
HappyWink | 236399287 |
Oo | 7074595 |
NotSoFriendlyEviscerator | 66330204 |
You should check out our Roblox outfit codes, hair codes, and gear codes too. In case you’re interested in a complete makeover.
For the ultimate fans, we recommend checking games like Roblox.
By the way, how much Robux do you have Now? Comment below!