Netflix has just released the teaser trailer for the final installment of the hit series Manifest, and it’s already making waves. The show chronicles the mysterious disappearance of Montego Air Flight 828 and its passengers, who were missing for over five years without aging a day. The show’s protagonist, Ben Stone, played by Josh Dallas, warns viewers that the world is ending, and they know when. In the trailer, Stone warns that the death date is approaching, and they only have until June 2nd to stop it.
Gearing for the final flight
In the show’s fourth season, viewers learned that the passengers all have a death date of June 2nd. The passengers of the flight are consumed by the date, which has been feared throughout the series. A new calling revealed that the date is the apocalypse.
The passengers’ premonitions are further explored, and Ben’s sister Michaela Stone, played by Melissa Roxburgh, warns that their story may end in a way they may not realize. “It is all connected,” she adds.
Zeke, played by Matt Long, was a key character in the first installment of the fourth season. His death was confirmed by the show’s creator, Jeff Rake, in a statement to Entertainment Weekly.
However, Rake does not shut down the possibility of Long’s return, saying that the powerful bond between Zeke and Michaela is strong. The ability to stay connected with a loved one on Manifest is also strong, so fans must wait and see what Michaela and Zeke can achieve.
The petition that kept ‘Manifest’ on air
Fans of Manifest were devastated when NBC canceled the show in May 2021. However, thanks to a petition that surpassed 95,000 signatures, Netflix saved the series and renewed it for a two-part fourth and final season. The show’s creator, Jeff Rake, was grateful for the outpouring of love and support from fans.
Manifest has been a hit since it first aired, and its final season promises to be an exciting conclusion to an incredible journey. The second part of Manifest season 4 premieres on June 2nd, and fans can’t wait to see how the story ends.