The eighth installment in the Cookie Run series, Cookie Run: Kingdom introduced a whole line of unique cookies, each with specific traits and skills. One such cookie is the Mango Cookie released in the Tropical Soda Island update along with the Sea Fairy Cookie.
The Mango Cookie belongs to the Magic class and his position is Middle. You can find more about Mango Cookie’s Power and skills and how to get it in our detailed guide below.
Mango Cookie in Cookie Run: Kingdom
Mango cookie is very cheerful and loves to give his fellows a warm welcome. He is very chatty and sweet but when in battle can be very strong and deal heavy damage to the enemies.
Mango Cookie: Power and Skills
The Mango Cookie can send a wave of tropical mango juice that can give enemies significant damage. The waves of the fresh sweet mango juice also can increase the ATK of your allies for a short period. This can be very useful for players.
This attack has a 15-second base cooldown and a single hit can cause about 57 percent damage. It also increases the ATK rate by about 10 percent for 7 seconds.
Mango Cookie: Toppings Build
Following are the Mango Cookie Build for toppings.
• X5 Searing Rasberry Topping
• X5 Swift Chocolate Topping
Searing Rasberry Topping
This topping can boost attack and be very useful for your main damage dealers. For the Mango Cookie, we will use five Searing Rasberry Toppings that will give the Mango Cookie’s attacks a 5% boost. This topping can be farmed on the following stages of Cookie Run: Kingdom
- 6-2
- 6-7
- 6-12
- 6-17
- 6-22
- 6-27
- 7-4
- 7-9
- 7-14
- 7-19
- 7-24
- 7-29
- 8-4
- 8-9
- 8-14
- 8-19
- 8-24
Swift Chocolate Topping
The Swift Chocolate Topping is perfect for Healing cookies and can boost their ability to heal their teammates. This topping is also great for Support Cookies like The Mango Cookie as this topping can help use their buffs more often, decreasing the cooldown rate.
For the Mango Cookie, we will use five Swift Chocolate Toppings, that would activate a set effect, giving an additional 5% decrease in the cooldown rate after an attack. You can farm the Swift Chocolate Topping in the following stages
- 6-3
- 6-8
- 6-13
- 6-18
- 6-23
- 6-28
- 7-5
- 7-10
- 7-15
- 7-20
- 7-25
- 7-30
- 8-5
- 8-10
- 8-15
- 8-20
- 8-25
How to get The Mango Cookie in Cookie Run: Kingdom
There are two ways by which you can get this Epic Cookie.
Using the Gacha System
Like all the other cookies in the game, you can get this Epic Tier Cookie using the Special Cookie Gacha or the Witch’s Oven.
Feed the Gacha with Crystals and it will generate a random cookie. You will have to be very patient as you might not get The Mango Cookie so easily. And because this cookie belongs to the Epic Tier, the chances of getting this cookie are about 19.2%.
On the 100th role, an Epic tier cookie coming out if the Gacha is guaranteed. So if you’re lucky enough, you might get the Mango Cookie with a few more tries.
Baking the Cookie using Soulstones
The second way to get this cookie is just to bake it. If you manage to collect about 20 Soulstones of the Mango Cookie, you can bake the cookie yourself.
We hope you liked our detailed guide on the Mango Cookie in Cookie Run: Kingdom. Good luck on your epic adventure with this epic cookie!
That’s everything you needed to know about the Mango Cookie in Cookie Run. Have any other questions about the character? Let us know in the comments down below!