- Best Landing Spots in Fortnite for Loot and Strategic Safety
- Fortnite Landing Spots with Lots of Vehicles Around
- Landing Spot Near Reality Sapling.
These are the best landing spots in Fortnite, for gathering loot, ample cover, and can even help you get a ride to navigate to other areas of the map.
Read on and find out the right landing spot that complements your gameplay.
The Best Landing Spots In Fortnite Chapter 3
Rave Cave
Rave Cave is one of the best landing spots in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3.
It’s a theme park and somewhat of a labyrinth too.
Even though this landing spot may be a bit confusing, once you know your way around this crazy theme park, you can cover serious loot without getting noticed much.
You can find Ballers here and even a launch pad that lets you escape the Rave Cave quickly. The smaller caves are perfect for cover and should be scouted if you are looking for handsome loot.
Now don’t expect Rave Cave to be a cakewalk either.
Many choose this as a landing zone to get their hands on ground loot, treasure chests, and slump barrels. Stay alert, keep a check for covers and collect as many goodies as possible without respawning.
Chonker’s Speedway
Chonker’s Speedway is a goldmine for loot.
There are plenty of buildings around the speed track and you can even fill your arsenal if you scout the area properly.
The best strategy is to land here, and take cover as quickly as possible while keeping an eye on rooftops. Scavenge surrounding buildings and get as much gear as possible.
Apart from the loot, Chonker’s Speedway also harbors some nice cars and vehicles that will help you cover ground quickly and evade.
But due to all the perks of this landing zone, it does attract a lot of heat mid-game. You should expect a lot of players to choose this as a landing site. Some even land here just to hitch a ride.
(I’d suggest you take cover to the north of the speedway and work your way south to capture loot.)
This way you’ll have the advantage of a higher vantage point and even have a choice to turn towards Sanctuary or Condo Canyon, just in case things turn ugly.
Greasy Grove
Greasy Grove has got to be the safest landing spot in Fortnite. It’s covered with trees, shrubs, and other vegetation. Based on a small town, it has a healthy number of buildings to provide you ample cover in case you are ambushed.
Just because it’s safe doesn’t mean it’s bland. These buildings contain some good loot and can help you in the long run.
If you are just getting started, it’s a great place to start your season.
Sleepy Sound
Sleepy Sound is yet another residential landing spot. Just like Greasy Grove, Sleepy Sound has a lot of vegetation and buildings for cover. You can even find a decent amount of loot if you skim through the buildings.
Sleepy Sound also bears some resemblance to Chonker’s Speedway. Guess what! At Sleepy Sound you can carjack a lot of vehicles and can even use boats to sail the waterways.
It does attract quite a lot of traffic. So, take your cover and play safe.
Best Landing Spots in Fortnite for Alt Strategies
- Greasy Grove is the safest with decent loot.
- Chonker’s Speedway or Sleepy Sound if you want to hitch a ride.
- Sleepy Sound if you’re looking for a boat
- More and Better Landing Spots Ahead!
If you are looking for a secluded landing then the Pawntoon is the perfect spot.
It is an isolated loot boat that floats at the edge of the map. The boat and its surrounding waters are filled with high-quality healing items and other loot.
Just so, Pawntoon is quite safe and is at a secure distance from the landmass. However, it’s in constant motion and sways with the water current. So you need to time your landing perfectly.
(I pull my glider early and slow my descent from a decent altitude to mark my landing perfectly.)
Reality Falls
Reality Falls used to be a very popular landing spot, but every season we are noticing fewer players choosing this site. But believe me, Reality Falls is a great site if you are looking to bump up your shield, get awesome loot and gear, or plan/ survive an ambush.
If you are here (image above), you’ll find the Reality tree and a labyrinth of caves behind it. Then you have abundant growth of shield mushrooms to boost your shield meter. All you need to do is bounce on them.
While you are in the mushroom forest you can find 2 to 3 chests on top of the caps or on the stalks.
The biggest plus however is its Reality Seeds. You can plant them ahead of future matches and reap their benefit once you join one.
Alternatively, if you want to play safe, you can wait it out by using nearby buildings as hideouts. This way other players will knock each other out and you can simply ambush them and make your move. Cowardice for some, but rewarding for sure!
South of Sanctuary
South of Sanctuary is a great landing spot for two reasons. To complete basic quests and grab some easy loot.
After landing here you can simply explore the area and participate in available quests. If you want to relish further, you can simply go out fishing.
This area also provides some random loot. And you never know you might even land some high-rank loot while you are here. The sanctuary is quite near to the 3 islands and doesn’t attract much heat either.
If the storm circle is away from the Sanctuary, then you can roam freely without worrying about taking cover.
East of Daily Bugle
You will find many NPCs if you land near the east of Daily Bugle. The crossroads between the coast and the Daily Bugle is perfect for landing. It has plenty of loot and you can pick off treasure hunters too.
It isn’t that popular or famous among players but while you are here, you can access the Temple and stock up on your utilities.
The road from the Daily Bugle is winding and goes through a shallow valley. Perfect for ambushes.
- Use Pawntoon for Easy Loot and a Strong early-game session.
- Reality Seeds and Reality Saplings at Reality Falls.
- South of the Sanctuary is great for Loot and for Defensive Gameplay.
South of Tilted Towers
Tilted Towers is the heart of the map and is very popular. But that is definitely not the best landing spot in Fortnite.
However, just south of the Tilter Towers is.
Even though this area still accounts for the center, it is far away from the Towers. You won’t find any landmarks or NPCs here. You can explore the hills and plains or take up available quests.
In a way, you can gather as much loot as possible before you steer to your destination.
Previous Reality Sapling Planting Spot
As a rule of thumb, players generally land where they have already planted their Reality Sapling. Wherever your plant stands, it is generally the best duo landing spot in Fortnite Chapter 3. Even if it is not ready to harvest and you are patiently waiting for legendary or mythic loot.
You should land near your sapling to check for weeds and protect it from other players.
Everyone plants their Reality Sapling at a remote location to stay away as much as possible from heat.
(For me, the northwest region of Logjam Lumberyard looks promising. If you happen to harvest the Reality Fruits then you are better off than any other landing spot. Unless you find me there too.)
You can even try to sprout the seeds faster by using a slurp splash or a shield keg.
Now that you know the best landing spots in Fortnite Chapter 3, choose a defensive or an aggressive landing zone, depending on your competency. Also, check out amazing games like Fortnite.
Make sure you collect loot, stay away from ambushes, and if possible, collect Reality Seeds to reap mythic gear.