In an unexpected turn of events, popular Swedish YouTuber Pontus Rasmusson finds himself entangled in legal troubles as he’s declared guilty of tax fraud in Sweden.
This verdict comes shortly after his YouTube channel was axed, following allegations of content that supposedly sexualized minors.
Rasmusson, who had a massive fan following on his YouTube channel, was immediately deplatformed by YouTube in March 2023, reports the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet.
The ban followed serious accusations against Rasmusson involving the sexualization of underage individuals and deliberate misrepresentation of his age to appear younger.
YouTube’s Stance and Tax Evasion Charges
Andrea Lewis Åkerman, Google’s spokesperson in Sweden, clarified their stand on the issue, stating, “After review, we have shut down Pontus Rasmusson’s channel for violating our child safety policy, which prohibits content that sexualizes minors.”
Shortly after this incident, Skatteverket, the Swedish tax agency, unveiled Rasmusson’s substantial financial discrepancies.
According to Aftonbladet reports, Rasmusson had failed to declare an income of 2.4 million crowns ($223,376) accumulated over the period of 2018–2021.
The tax agency also highlighted that a “substantial part” of his earnings were not reported in the accounting records, leading to additional penalties for tax surcharge, VAT, and employer’s fees, which amounts to $25,000.
The exact sum that Rasmusson will be required to pay, however, remains undisclosed.
Rasmusson’s Defense and Appeals
In his defense, the 25-year-old Pontus Rasmusson expressed his reservations over the tax agency’s decision, arguing it to be “too heavy of a tax burden with regard to the information provided”.
He insisted that withholding the full amount of his income was never intentional.
Rasmusson attributed his blunders to his young age and lack of sufficient knowledge about tax rules and regulations, deeming the tax evasion to be an accidental misstep.
He also raised concerns over his deteriorating mental health, which, he claims, is a result of hate comments and threats from his viewers.
This emotional distress, Rasmusson alleges, led to him overlooking crucial administrative tasks related to his company.
As this case unfolds, the repercussions Rasmusson faces for his actions serve as a stark reminder of the legal responsibilities that come with online stardom.
It emphasizes the importance of adhering to platform policies and tax regulations, no matter the age or level of internet fame one might possess.