Street Fighter 6, the latest installment in Capcom’s iconic 2D fighting franchise, has introduced Rashid as its 19th playable character.
The dashing hero from Street Fighter 5 is back with his wind-manipulation powers and parkour fighting style, ready to take on the colorful roster of returning favorites and new World Warriors.
Rashid Joins the Fight
Rashid, a relatively new face in the Street Fighter universe, first appeared in 2016’s Street Fighter 5. The Saudi Arabian hero embarked on a journey to find a missing friend kidnapped by the sinister Shadaloo organization, which led him to the final battle against its leader, M. Bison. Known for streaming his battles across social media, Rashid’s power wind attacks and acrobatic fighting style made him a formidable opponent in the Street Fighter 5 competitive arena.
Now, Rashid has made his way to Street Fighter 6, available as a standalone purchase or as part of the game’s Year 1 character pass.
According to a recent press statement from Capcom, Rashid comes with his own story content in World Tour mode, a similar plotline for Street Fighter 6’s classic Arcade mode, and two new “Pirate” and “Resort” themed avatar outfits that can be unlocked in the Hub Goods Shop.
Rashid is also eligible to be used in the upcoming Evolution Championship Series 2023 event, set to run between August 4 and 6.
Street Fighter 6’s Expanding Roster
Street Fighter 6 launched in June to critical acclaim and high sales figures (even peaked concurrent player count in Steam), introducing new mechanics like the free-roaming World Tour story mode, real-time commentary during match-ups, and a new Modern control scheme that makes it easier for newcomers to pull off classic special attacks.
The base game features 18 martial artists, and Capcom has promised that at least four new Street Fighter 6 characters will be released as DLC.
Following Rashid’s arrival, the previously announced A.K.I., Ed, and Akuma are all set to join the roster later this year as part of Street Fighter 6’s Year 1 character pass.
And to really enjoy what SF6 has to offer, here’s how to make sure you’re getting the best experience for Street Fighter 6 on all platforms available.