Charles Cecil, Managing Director for Revolution Software and the man behind such critically acclaimed titles as Beneath a Steel Sky and the Broken Sword series, has stated that whilst he feels that Quantic Dream’s title, Heavy Rain, was a “work of absolute genius” it was still “deeply flawed”.
“Half way through, I thought it was a work of absolute genius,” Cecil commented. “When I finished it, I still thought it was a work of genius but deeply flawed. There are a lot of questions it asks, and I think some of those are answered really well, and others are flawed. But I really admire David Cage, his team and the work they have done. I think it’s good for the adventure game, I think it’s good for the industry overall.”
“What I’m personally very interested in is the relationship the audience has with the character they control,” he continues. “Without spoiling anything, you discover something at the end that’s incredibly important about one of the characters you’ve been playing, which creates an incredible disconnect between the audience and the character – and I think that is deeply, deeply flawed.”
“It would have worked in a film, it’s a great film technique but it should never have been brought over to games, and David and his team should have probably seen that. But I do think it’s a brilliant game.”
For those that have enjoyed the acclaimed interactive drama title, do you agree?