Galaxsys, a leading force in the gaming industry, has embarked on a new venture in partnership with the distinguished operator, Betsson Group. Their alliance is set to redefine the gaming experience for their discerning digital player base.
Galaxsys’ Pioneering Portfolio
Galaxsys has brought its innovative gaming ecology to Betsson Group’s operational territories. Renowned games like Roulette X, Jungle Wheel, Ninja Crash, Crasher, F Mines, Plinkoman, Mr. Thimble, Golden RA, Cash Show, Rocketon, Hi-Lo, Blackjack, Penalty, Keno, Keno Express, and Sic Bo are now accessible to Betsson’s players.
Gil Soffer, Galaxsys’s SVP of Sales and Business Development, expressed enthusiasm toward this partnership. He conveyed the synergy between the two companies, both standing as pioneers in iGaming. Galaxsys’s portfolio is now extended to Betsson’s 20+ brands, and the company is optimistic that Betsson’s players will be thrilled with the newly available games. They anticipate that favorites such as live blackjack will be particularly well-received.
Betsson’s Perspective
Laura Peretta, the Supplier Relations Manager at Betsson, echoed this sentiment. Galaxsys, she stated, has proven to be a progressive supplier that aligns with Betsson’s mission to cater to a growing player base seeking unique and fast-paced gaming experiences. Peretta also commended Galaxsys’s support teams for their diligent work in ensuring a smooth integration process.
The Betsson community will explore these new gaming horizons in the coming months, with ‘Lucky Days‘ likely to become a buzzword amongst the player community as users explore the games and new features available.
This game-changing collaboration follows shortly after Galaxsys’s recent certification to extend its gaming services to Switzerland. With this approval, Swiss players are now also included in the evolving gaming landscape that Galaxsys and Betsson are shaping.
In summary, this partnership between Galaxsys and Betsson Group illustrates the future of iGaming, an exciting fusion of innovation, variety, and customer satisfaction. As these two companies continue to expand their combined reach, players are sure to benefit from this new-found synergy.
This strategic partnership is a win-win situation for both companies and players alike. Players can expect to be kept in the loop with news and updates about newly available games, as well as access to exciting promotions and bonuses exclusive to Betsson customers.
The collaboration also signals an increase in choice for players, as they will now have access to a vast selection of new and classic Galaxsys-powered games at their fingertips through the Betsson platform.