A tragic incident unfolded recently at the Twin River Lincoln live casino in Rhode Island. An unfortunate four-legged victim brought forth a critical reminder to pet owners about the dangerous consequences of leaving their companions in vehicles during warm temperatures.
A Tragic Discovery
Young Ju Seol, a visitor from Hopkinton, Mass., had allegedly left her canine in her car for several hours without any air conditioning or water. On this particular day, the temperature outside was nearing 80 degrees. Casino security guards, making their routine checks, noticed a car with windows covered in condensation and brake lights illuminated – an unusual sight in a parking area bustling with patrons visiting for live poker and craps.
On alert, the guards immediately informed the Lincoln police, and an officer was dispatched post-haste. The officer was forced to break into the car, leading to a heart-wrenching discovery: a lifeless dog on the driver’s side floor.
In response to this grim episode, Young was charged with one count of malicious injury or killing of animals and another count of animal confinement in motor vehicles. While the laws vary across states, such charges often result in severe penalties, as they reflect a gross neglect of a pet’s wellbeing.
Taking Care of Our Furry Friends
It’s important to remember that during summer months, temperatures can rise exponentially in a matter of minutes even with the windows slightly cracked. Using apps like Weather Pet and Rescue Alert can help keep pet owners informed about weather conditions, sending temperature alerts when it gets too hot for pets in cars. It is also advisable to
The Warning That Came Too Late
This incident underscores the hazardous implications of leaving pets inside vehicles on warm or even moderately hot days. On an 85-degree day, the temperature inside a car, even with the windows slightly open, can escalate to 102 degrees in a matter of 10 minutes.
Further, within half an hour, the temperature can skyrocket to an alarming 120 degrees, posing a critical threat to the pet’s survival. At this temperature, pets may experience irreversible organ damage, seizures, or even meet a tragic end, much like the unfortunate dog in this case.
Despite the grimness of this cautionary tale, it serves as a poignant reminder to pet owners.