In Capcom’s Resident Evil 4 remake, Leon’s entire mission revolves around rescuing Ashley Graham from Los Illuminados, a sinister religious cult led by Osmund Saddler, a fanatical bio-weapons researcher.
Osmund Saddler dispatches infected followers to thwart Leon, but eventually, the two face off in a climactic boss battle.
Here are some quick links to help you navigate through the whole guide.
How to Defeat Osmund Saddler
This guide will walk you through defeating Osmund Saddler in Resident Evil 4, ensuring Ashley’s safety and mission success.
As Osmund Saddler reveals his true form—a grotesque, spider-like creature—players might feel intimidated. However, fear not, as his weak points are evident.
Saddler Boss Fight: First Stage
Saddler has six eyes that players can target for significant damage, but limited space can be challenging.
Maintain distance from Saddler, shoot his weak points, and, when stunned, approach to stab his main eyeball. The Red9 handgun works well, as does the Striker shotgun at closer range. If timing is difficult, use an SMG like the LE 5.
During the battle, Osmund Saddler will approach explosive barrels scattered in the arena.
Use them to stagger him and deal heavy damage with a stab. Employ grenades and mines to maintain pressure.
While other enemies may join the fray, focus on Saddler.
If you deal enough damage before he summons allies, Leon can finish the fight more efficiently.
When Saddler falls, prepare for the second stage.
Saddler Boss Fight: Second Stage
Leon now faces a mass of slimy tendrils and organs, with Osmund Saddler’s former visage now a giant glowing orb.
Unleash powerful weapons like the Killer7 Magnum, Stingray Rifle, or shotguns to damage the orb.
Watch for the Evade prompt to dodge Saddler’s attacks.
If he raises his tentacles, runs to the opposite end to avoid his slam. Persist, and Ada will throw a special rocket launcher to Leon—grab it and fire at the orb to defeat Saddler.
Pro-tip to easily defeat Osmund Saddler
To make the fight even easier, purchase a rocket launcher from the Merchant or retrieve one from storage before entering the arena. Launch it at Osmund Saddler’s main eye to end the first phase instantly.
For players with the Infinite Rocket Launcher, this boss battle will be a breeze, and Leon will prevail more effortlessly than ever.
Well, that is if you made it past this bug that removes Luis’ keys virtually — rendering you to completely restart the game. Hopefully, it’s fixed as of writing.